Tag: Ronnie Hufnagel
Posted in El Portal
El Portal Councilperson Vimari Roman challenges VotersOpinion to a “duel.” 

The good news is that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to run for office, especially in the Village of El Portal. The bad news is that you don’t have to be a…
Posted in El Portal
El Portal: The hits just keep on comin’
What a difference Jose makes! Miami-Dade County corruptocrats beware! The new Executive Director of the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust is taking no prisoners. After seven long, frustrating years of watching Joe “No…
Posted in El Portal
El Portal’s “so called” Mayor gets panties twisted, denies reality
In response to our recent blog, as well as Miami Herald reporter Sarah Blaskey’s scathing article about El Portal’s attempt to hide public records from the public, Mayor Claudia Cubillos thought it was a good idea…