Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

It’s Budget Busting Time in North Miami! (UPDATED)

Get out the popcorn! On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM, the North Miami Mayor and Council will meet for the second reading of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. As hard as it is…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami City Council making your tax dollars work hard … for them!

As we celebrate this national Labor Day holiday, we’re reminded that “the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers….

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Posted in North Miami

Larry Spring’s Magical Mystery Budget, Part 2

In our previous blog post, we reported on North Miami City Manager Larry Spring’s projected revenue in his Preliminary Annual Budget FY 2019-20, and pointed out several problems with his estimations. In today’s installment we’ll discuss…

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Posted in North Miami

What planet do these people live on?

Dear North Miami residents, Your brand new Mayor and Council will tell you they’re all about fiscal responsibility even as they drop tens of thousands of your tax dollars on two coronations inductions and three…

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Posted in North Miami

Last Chance to Save North Miami!

STOP THE PRESSES! We intended to post this final election blog by last night. However, we learned late in the evening that North Miami City Manager Larry Spring finally released the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial…

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Posted in North Miami

Philippe Bien-Aime’s Trouble With The Truth

On Monday morning, North Miami Councilman (and mayoral candidate) Philippe Bien-Aime will face the music in Circuit Court Judge Rodney Smith’s courtroom. We have a feeling it won’t be pretty. The Miami Herald reported on…

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Posted in North Miami

Promises, promises! North Miami Candidate Forum Recap (and Snarky Commentary)!

The first candidate forum for North Miami’s upcoming election was about as exciting as watching paint dry – and also as predictable. We know this because we spent over an hour and a half watching…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami City Manager Larry Spring is a Big Fat Liar! And here’s the proof!

We’re old enough to remember former North Miami Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley’s testimony at his termination appeal hearing before the Personnel Board on January 24, 2019. Under oath, he stated that Deputy City Manager…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Meanwhile, in North Miami … Corruption is still the order of the day!

Hello, North Miami, did you miss us? It’s been a while, but we haven’t forgotten you. Nor did we forget how angry residents were when they discovered their Mayor and Council voted to approved a…

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Posted in North Miami

BREAKING: Larry Spring and Duke Sorey under fire for fraudulent budget!

A disturbing pattern of corruption, cover up, and retaliation is rapidly emerging as yet another North Miami employee lodges a complaint for being fired for blowing the whistle. Lawyers for the newly terminated Assistant Budget…

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