Posted in North Miami

North Miami Interim Manager Duke Sorey’s Red Garden Sinkhole Just Got Deeper

The City of North Miami’s $14,697,136 deficit is now legendary, thanks in no small part, to the soon-to-be-ex-Interim City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey. As we recently pointed out, the City’s running deficit started with Fiscal…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami’s CAFR: A True Story in Snapshots

Get out the popcorn! Despite his frantic attempts to delay the inevitable, North Miami Interim City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey finally (and very reluctantly) published the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAFR (PDF)…

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Posted in North Miami

It’s NorthMiami #FurloughFriday … unless, of course, you’re a Member in Good Standing of Duke Sorey’s Friends & Family Plan!

Thanks to North Miami’s soon-to-be-gone Interim City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, almost all city employees have been forced to take two furlough days a month, which amounts to an approximate 10% cut in pay.  As…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami hires a new City Manager, and they picked a winner this time!

The North Miami Mayor and Council finally decided to think outside the box – and the city limits – when they voted unanimously by acclamation to hire Theresa G. Therilus, Esquire, as the new City…

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Posted in North Miami

The undeniable case against Duke Sorey for City Manager. (North Miami Mayor and Council can’t say they weren’t warned.)

In a normal city, public records requests are made through the Clerk’s office, which serves as a conduit between the requester and the departmental custodian of the records. In North Miami, however, former City Manager…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami City Manager Search – The Final Fifteen

The North Miami Mayor and Council have begun interviewing some of the fifteen finalists for the position of City Manager.  We reviewed the applications and resumes submitted by all of them and compiled a brief…

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Posted in North Miami

North Miami: The true cost of Duke Sorey’s Red Garden Sinkhole? It’s anyone’s guess! (UPDATED)

With interviews set to begin this week, the North Miami Mayor and Council have finally begun their search for a permanent city manager.  Forty two individuals applied for this position online, and another 73 submitted…

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Posted in North Miami

BREAKING: Glutton for punishment City of Miami hires Larry Spring “to handle the COVID-19 fiscal crisis!”

Al Crespo of the Crespogram News just reported that Miami City Manager Art Noriega just hired former North Miami City Manager Larry Spring as a consultant “to handle the COVID-19 fiscal crisis!” Billy Corben tweeted:…

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Posted in North Miami

Your Tax Dollars, Part 3: “Budget? What budget? We don’t need no stinkin’ budget!”

Just a reminder that on February 22, 2020, the City of North Miami was operating at a deficit of $4,153,430.77. As of today, according to North Miami’s Real-Time Debt Clock™, that hole grew to $5,053,361.91. Now…

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Posted in North Miami

Breaking: Mary Estime Irvin about to get evicted! (UPDATED)

North Miami Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin’s self-inflicted woes are about to get a whole lot worse. Last month we reported that she’s been living rent-free in a house located at 155 NE 131 Street, North Miami,…

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