Posted in North Miami

North Miami City Manager Larry Spring is a Big Fat Liar! And here’s the proof!

We’re old enough to remember former North Miami Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley’s testimony at his termination appeal hearing before the Personnel Board on January 24, 2019. Under oath, he stated that Deputy City Manager…

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Posted in North Miami

Terry Henley v. North Miami: The Hearing – Day 2, Part 2

Since last September, we’ve been following the saga of fraudulent budget foisted upon the North Miami Mayor and Council by City Manager Larry Spring and Deputy City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey. As is usually the case in…

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Posted in North Miami

Terry Henley v. North Miami: The Hearing – Day 2, Part 1

The North Miami Personnel Board met for a second time on January 24, 2019, to hear the termination appeal of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley. After the character assassination he suffered at the hands…

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Posted in North Miami

The Greater North Miami Chamber of Commerce is located … WHERE?

The City of North Miami is such a hot mess… Even its Chamber of Commerce is suffering an identity crisis. Let us explain.

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Posted in Opa-locka

Hopeless in Opa-locka

If Opa-locka residents thought term limits were going to solve their corruption problem, they were sadly mistaken. With three career politicians about to vacate their seats on the dais, voters had the rare opportunity to…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

The North Miami Friends & Family Plan is Alive and Well!

Raise your hands if you’ve ever received a $45,843.20 raise less than two years after starting a new job? Anyone? Well, that’s because you’re not privileged enough to be in the inner circle of North…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County

Miami Justice, à la Katherine Fernandez Rundle

Three years ago when North Miami Senior High School’s Adult Education Center principal, Jean Coty Ridore, was arrested for unlawful compensation, official misconduct, and grand theft third degree, State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle took credit…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Meanwhile, in North Miami … Corruption is still the order of the day!

Hello, North Miami, did you miss us? It’s been a while, but we haven’t forgotten you. Nor did we forget how angry residents were when they discovered their Mayor and Council voted to approved a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Jose Smith comes out on top!

Ever since the abrupt firing of North Miami Beach City Attorney Jose Smith by Appointed Mayor Beth Spiegel, he’s been the subject of much vicious gossip at City Hall. In order to justify her ill-advised…

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Posted in North Miami

BEWARE! NMPD psycho, serial cyber-stalking cop Joseph P. Kissel is on the loose!

This a Public Service Announcement:  If you receive a random Facebook message or friend request from a person using the pseudonym “Jerome Douglas,” you should be aware that this is just one of the many…

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