Posted in North Miami Beach

The Kissel Chronicles: How NMPD cops protect and serve … EACH OTHER!

Yikes!  The corruption never ends! It’s bad enough that certain members of the North Miami Police Department’s command staff continue to protect bad cops, such as sexual predator Jodlyn Antoine, but they also go to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMPD Sgt. Joey Kissel, Serial Offender

Well, well, well.  What have we here? It seems that Crisis Intervention Specialist Natacha Jean-Francois isn’t the only female employee of the North Miami Police Department who suffered abuse and discrimination at the hands of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMPD’s “toxic environment”

What happens when corruption is the rule rather than the exception in a police department? All hell breaks loose … and no one does a damn thing about it. On May 22, 2012, Crisis Intervention…

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