Posted in North Miami Beach

The “anonymous” surrogate army of NMB Commissioner Michael “Mike” Joseph

VotersOpinion has been blogging about North Miami Beach politics for almost ten years.  In all this time, and over a dozen politicians later, we have never seen complaints filed or city business being disrupted by…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB Commissioner Michael “Mike” Joseph: Petty, Paranoid and Nutty as a Fruitcake

Every time I think Michael Joseph can’t do anything more twisted than he’s already done, he goes and outdoes his evil/crazy self. We previously documented all of Michael’s bizarre behavior, including the times he: Gave…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Guest Columnist: North Miami Beach Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond

I am taking this moment to briefly address yourself and your readers on the subject matter of bonding together as a community in service of each other during this trying time in our nation and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond, now is not the time for campaigning.

(UPDATE: Commissioner Fleurimond and I had a lengthy discussion about this blog, during which I invited him to respond in a column which would be published unedited.  I also agreed to change the title of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB Commissioners Michael Joseph and McKenzie Fleurimond: “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”

The business of governing stops for no crisis, even a viral pandemic.  North Miami Beach city officials take their responsibility to keep the government running very seriously. Most of them anyway. In order to hold…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Trouble’s A’Brewin’ for NMB Commish Michael “Mike” Joseph!

Never mind July.  It looks like Christmas might come as early as next month if the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust find probable cause that North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph abused…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Devil on the Dais! The twisted duplicity of Michael Joseph, Part 3

North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael “Mike” Joseph is up to his old devious tricks. Once again, most likely with the help of his BFF Hector Roos, Michael has perpetrated yet another “anonymous” attack against a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Drama queen much? NMB Commish Michael Joseph’s performance of a lifetime!

It’s common knowledge that North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph is a lying, scheming, conniving piece of work. But we had no idea he was also an award-winning actor, too! From the moment this smarmy…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Farm Share Free Food Distribution

The Farm Share Organization has partnered with State Representative Barbara Watson and the North Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners to host a free food distribution in time for Thanksgiving 2019. This event will be held…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Devil on the Dais! The twisted duplicity of Michael Joseph, Part 2

In Part 1 of Devil on the Dais! we described the vindictive actions of North Miami Beach commission candidate Michael Joseph against Commissioner Barbara Kramer when she didn’t appoint him to a vacancy on the…

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