Tag: Myron Rosner
The Sham Campaign of Criminal Candidate Paule Villard
A good indicator of how much support a candidate for local office has is by the number of friends, neighbors, and associates who are willing to donate to his or her campaign. The latest Campaign…
Unclear on who she’s running against, Paule Villard has Michael Joseph’s “anonymous” surrogate army attack a non-existent opponent! 

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph likes to hide behind an “anonymous” surrogate army made up of his fellow Circle of Corruption members, his former campaign workers, and racists who lie about being residents….
Dear ASA Tim VanderGiesen: Inquiring minds want to know!
Stephanie Kienzle <stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com> Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 5:48 PM To: Tim VanderGiesen <TimVanderGiesen@miamisao.com> Cc: “Gorchow, Joseph” <jgorchow@cbs.com>, “Milberg, Glenna” <gmilberg@wplg.com>, “Arrojo, Jose (COE)” <jose.arrojo@miamidade.gov>, “Defillipo, Anthony” <anthony.defillipo@citynmb.com>, Fortuna Smukler <fortuna.smukler@citynmb.com>, Phyllis Smith <phyllis.smith@citynmb.com>, “Chernoff,…
Paule’s next incarnation — “digital creator!” 

On November 22, 2022, North Miami Beach voters said adios to the most corrupt elected official ever to sit on the dais at City Hall when they made Paule Villard a one-term Commissioner. Paule’s fall…
Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is inciting a race war in North Miami Beach!
By far the most outrageous lie North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard told at the October 13, 2022 Voter’s Council of North Miami Beach’s Candidate’s Forum, was this whopper: “In 2013 when the previous…
P Card Madness, Part 1. North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners charge up a storm on your dime!
In a previous blog, we revealed how the seven elected officials in North Miami Beach are spending their “discretionary” funds. Although they are each allotted an insane $20,000.00 a year, $6,500.00 of that amount they…
Thanks for the memories! A stroll down NMB’s Corruption Hall of Shame, and a sneak peek at its newest inductee.
Every once in a while a corrupt politician comes along who is so incredibly stupid that you can’t help but wonder how they’ve defied the laws of evolution. Take NMB Hall of Shame founding member,…
The Bitch is Back!
North Miami Beach Commission Puppet Daniela Jean got VotersOpinion temporarily suspended by filing a false complaint against yours truly. Little Miss Puppet had the audacity to whine that her home address was “sensitive personal information,”…
BREAKING: Ex-NMB Commissioner/Current Convicted Felon Frantz Pierre gets House Arrest, then Probation
Well, sort of. Former-then-arrested North Miami Beach Commissioner Frantz Pierre has pleaded guilty to eleven of twelve felonies, and entered into a Plea Agreement with the Miami State Attorney’s Office today. Unfortunately, we won’t…
Crony Capitalism Alert: NMB Commissioner Michael Joseph in the Pocket of Big Development
We’re old enough to remember when Miami Beach Mega-Developer Russell Galbut & Family spent $10,000 to help former North Miami Beach Mayor/current Career Criminal Myron Rosner get re-elected. In return, Myron succeeded in strong arming…