Posted in North Miami Beach

The downfall of the North Miami Beach Police Department, courtesy of Duke Sorey!

Every single dire prediction we made when Arthur “Duke” Sorey was hired as the North Miami Beach City Manager has come true. Every.  Single.  One. Including and especially the destruction of the formerly stellar North…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Guest Columnist Mark Sell returns: North Miami Beach Election 2022, Part 2

As the second in a series, here are some hot takes from the two North Miami Beach candidates’ forums, moderated on Oct. 13 by the most worthy citizens Saundra Douglas and Lorenzo Hall of Washington…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Guest Columnist Mark Sell returns: North Miami Beach Election 2022, Part 1

North Miami Beach voters, it’s voting time! Strap in! First, check out the Thursday, Oct. 20, 6:30-8:30 pm candidates’ forum at the McDonald Center 17011 NE 19th Ave. Online and call-in instructions are below. This…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Duke Sorey’s War on Residents

North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has declared War on Residents. Specifically, resident Mubarak Kazan, who’s only “crime” is asking the Manager, “Where’s the money?” And for the audacity of holding his government’s…

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