Posted in North Miami Beach

There is No Public Trust

Save your paper, save your ink, save your postage, save your sanity. Don’t waste your time filing complaints against unethical public officials with the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust because after several…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

Team Apocalypse ready to burn it all down. Welcome to the “new” North Miami Beach! (Part 4)

Don’t say we didn’t warn you, because we did. Right after the November election, we predicted the coming North Miami Beach Apocalypse, and that dreaded day has finally arrived.  As expected, the four Horsemen of…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Welcome to the “new” North Miami Beach! (Part 3)

If you ask anyone to describe the now-former North Miami Beach City Manager Esmond Scott, you’re sure to hear the words honest, ethical, fair, dignified, and most of all, a gentleman. Esteemed author, historian, and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The End of Democracy. Welcome to the “new” North Miami Beach! (Part 2)

In our previous column, we told you that North Miami Beach Commissioners Paule Villard, McKenzie Fleurimond, Michael Joseph, and their Puppet Commissioner Daniela Jean conspired decided to fire the 75-member full service law firm of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Complicity, incompetence and stupidity on the dais. Welcome to the “new” North Miami Beach! (Part 1)

If you’ve been suspecting that North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard is a manipulative liar (and terminally stupid), last Thursday night’s commission meeting will eliminate all doubt. Paule’s Item 16.1 on the Agenda, vaguely entitled…

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Posted in Miami Beach Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

A Lobbyist and the Devil walk into a bar …

North Miami Beach Commissioner/Crony Capitalist Michael Joseph never met a lobbyist he didn’t cozy up to.  His “very special” relationship with Ron Book, for example, is curious indeed. Book is one of the most powerful…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph: “We’re in charge now. Shut up and obey!”

As predicted, North Miami Beach is one step closer to becoming as morally, ethically, and financially bankrupt as the City of North Miami. Now that Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Paule Villard were able…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes!

North Miami Beach Puppet Commissioner Daniela Jean thought she was oh-so-clever by complaining to our web hosting company that we had the audacity to publish an actual public record – the home address she listed…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

BREAKING: North Miami Beach Commissioners Joseph and Fleurimond accepted thousands of dollars in campaign donations from an NMB Public Utilities Commissioner charged with extortion

North Miami Beach attorney William Dean was arrested by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office for allegedly extorting an NFL player in a high-profile case involving an armed robbery in Miramar last May, according to Channel…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Apocalypse in 3, 2, 1 …

North Miami Beach residents, you are about to get taken to the cleaners. On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 if Michael Joseph’s puppet candidate Daniela Jean wins the runoff election, NMB will officially be North Miami…

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