Posted in North Miami Beach

Here’s why North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot must be fired (preferably disbarred), Part 2

Regardless of the ridiculous narrative being pushed by three North Miami Beach Commissioners about why they aren’t attending meetings, the truth is they are holding an entire city hostage because they’re butt hurt that they…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Here’s why North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot must be fired (preferably disbarred), Part 1

In the two months since the November 22, 2022 runoff election, North Miami Beach Commissioners Michael Joseph and McKenzie Fleurimond still can’t accept the loss of their former co-conspirator on the dais, Paule Villard. With…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Guest Columist: Letter to North Miami Beach city officials from resident Bruce Lamberto

Commissioners Jean, Joseph and Fleurimond, The January 19, 2023 Channel 7 article, New study reveals how much more some Miami Gardens residents are paying for water, is exactly what I wrote to all of you…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

P Card Madness, Part 5: Duke & The Gang’s 2022 Taxpayer-Funded Food Orgy

In Duke & The Gang’s Taxpayer-Funded Food Orgy, 2021 Edition, we reported that from the day North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey was hired in April 2021, he and four of his high-ranking…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

P Card Madness, Part 3. Let this sink in!

When North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond deliberately — and illegally — broke quorum at the December 20, 2022 Commission Meeting for the sole purpose of keeping his hand-picked corrupt administration’s gravy train from…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Here’s why City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot is hiding his legal bills from the public. Prepare to be outraged!

As we reported in What is he hiding? North Miami Beach City Attorney Hans Ottinot wants to charge me $2,022.69 for copies of his legal bills!, on April 14, 2022 we made a public records…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

How much did McKenzie Fleurimond’s temper tantrum cost North Miami Beach taxpayers? Prepare for sticker shock!

When North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond walked off the dais during the December 20, 2022 Commission Meeting for the sole purpose of saving the jobs of City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey and City…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Daniela Jean was too “sick” to fulfill her official duties as a North Miami Beach Commissioner, but not sick enough to do this?

As we reported shortly after the aborted December 20, 2022 meeting, Daniela Jean showed up wearing a mask because she doesn’t “feel safe” without partitions on the dais. Two hours and 45 minutes into the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Michael Joseph Unmasked! (Yet Again)

Once again, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph has summoned his surrogate army to carry out the Devil’s handiwork. As we previously reported in Devil on the Dais! The Twisted Duplicity of Michael Joseph,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Knowing full well that North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot and City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey were about to be handed pink slips, Criminal Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean deliberately broke…

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