Tag: Marlon Bolton
Ain’t no Sunshine in North Miami. But, residents are done playing!
It was beginning to look like North Miami’s dire financial troubles were slowly coming to an end. The recently published Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) reflected an increase of $7 million in…
Unclear on who she’s running against, Paule Villard has Michael Joseph’s “anonymous” surrogate army attack a non-existent opponent! 

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph likes to hide behind an “anonymous” surrogate army made up of his fellow Circle of Corruption members, his former campaign workers, and racists who lie about being residents….
Another dark money (and shady AF) PAC “endorses” Paule Villard
North Miami Beach voters are being bombarded with texts and mailers from an alleged political committee called “The Hispanic Vote PC,” urging them to vote for criminal candidate Paule Villard for mayor. For one thing,…
Guest Columnist Kate Johnson: Will the Broward Inspector General get the job done?
The Broward Inspector General is now investigating the City of Tamarac for a shady real estate purchase. Will the City turn over everything the IG demanded? We doubt it because Tamarac’s Attorney is Hans Ottinot….
Sun Sentinel Editorial: A very shaky ride for Tamarac Taxpayers
A very shaky ride for Tamarac Taxpayers By Sun Sentinel Editorial Board | Sun Sentinel PUBLISHED: July 29, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. | UPDATED: July 29, 2023 at 9:05 a.m. For six years, an eyesore…
Will #StripMallLawyer Hans Ottinot finally be held accountable for his actions? 
The stunningly incompetent and terminally corrupt former North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot is the subject of yet another investigation, this time by the Broward County Office of the Inspector General. And the corn…