Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

North Miami, still corrupt after all these years.

  Once again, North Miami elected officials are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. After terminating Larry Spring in January 2020, indisputably the worst City Manager in its entire history, the City Council once…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The End Times in North Miami Beach

In just one 2-part Commission meeting, the evil triumvirate, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, Assistant City Manager Gedel Merzius, and Interim City Attorney Hans Ottinot, have annihilated Robert’s Rules, the City Charter, and the last…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Guest Columnist Mark Sell: Beyond heartburn: North Miami Beach election update

Just when we’re in the middle of one the highest-stress elections in American history, the City of North Miami Beach Welcomes You to … heartburn! The reason, of course, is the municipal election. You may…

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