Posted in North Miami Beach

Harvette Smith’s Handy Dandy Race Card

Imagine what would happen to a Chief of Police who forces her Assistant, a civilian police department employee, to notarize a fraudulent affidavit under threat of termination for the purpose of illegally obtaining a relative’s…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

WakeUp NMB’s Year in Review, by President Barbara Kramer

As we bid farewell to 2023, I am pleased to present a retrospective of WakeUp NMB’s journey throughout the year. Remarkably, it has been a full year since the inception of WakeUp NMB, and what…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The North Miami Beach Budget in a nutshell. And yes, there is a deficit!

Despite watching North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners McKenzie Fleurimond and Daniela Jean clutch their collective pearls whenever the word “deficit” was uttered at the August 17, 2023 Budget Workshop, the numbers don’t lie. Responsible adults…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Calling All Whistleblowers!

It took three months longer than it should have, but Arthur “Duke” Sorey, the villainous tyrant who mismanaged the City of North Miami Beach, is finally gone. Unfortunately, his treacherous legacy of corruption has left…

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