Posted in North Miami Beach

Merrett Stierheim: North Miami must declare a fiscal emergency.

In an explosive article about the recent firing of former Assistant Budget Director Terry Henley for exposing the fraudulent 2018/19 city budget, Biscayne Times reporter Mark Sell’s Another Fine Mess  uncovered even more sordid details…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Wait for it! Character assassination in 3, 2, 1 …

Like clockwork, North Miami city officials rallied their troops and came out swinging against a city employee who had the chutzpah to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption. In a letter from attorneys for…

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Posted in North Miami

BREAKING: Larry Spring and Duke Sorey under fire for fraudulent budget!

A disturbing pattern of corruption, cover up, and retaliation is rapidly emerging as yet another North Miami employee lodges a complaint for being fired for blowing the whistle. Lawyers for the newly terminated Assistant Budget…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

POPCORN! NMPD Commander Emile Hollant’s federal lawsuit against North Miami is going to trial!

Remember when North Miami Police Commander Emile Hollant was framed by then-Assistant Chief Larry Juriga, viciously trashed at a press conference held by City Manager Larry Spring, suspended without pay, subjected to a bogus Internal…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami CRA: If at first you don’t succeed…

Remember that time Dr. Rudy Moise tried to grab $1,211,540 of North Miami CRA money? Well, he’s back! Despite the fact that the Community Redevelopment Agency‘s own grant limit is $100,000, the wealthy doctor, and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NoMi Bond Fail, Part Deux

The North Miami Mayor and Council pulled out all the stops to get the General Obligation Bond passed on May 1, 2018.   As we’ve giddily reported several times, all four questions failed by more than…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“It’s Miami, Bitches!” Al Crespo on “irrepressible scalawag,” North Miami City Manager Larry Spring

  Words fail us. No, seriously. We.  Can’t.  Even. So, we’ll let the Amazing Al Crespo tell the story in his own words.

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami’s GO Bond Boondoggle. What could possibly go wrong?

Early voting has begun for the North Miami General Obligation Bond (GO Bond), and the GO Bond Brigade is out in full force. In addition to North Miami’s own “education” campaign (See, several political…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami GO Bond: The Mayor and Council really, really, REALLY need your money. (No, really!)

In their mad rush to get their $120 million General Obligation Bond passed on May 1, 2018, the North Miami Mayor and Council’s Department of Propaganda continues to promote its hype over the airwaves. During…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMPD: No good deed goes unpunished! (UPDATED 3X)

Get the popcorn ready! Yet another lawsuit was filed as a result of the July 18, 2016 shooting of an unarmed black man by the questionably hired North Miami Police Officer Jonathan Aledda. Who didn’t…

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