Posted in North Miami

In the Hole. Or, business as usual in North Miami.

With one-third of the current fiscal year over, it appears that North Miami city officials have learned absolutely nothing from their mistakes of the previous three years. Let’s take a look at how well all…

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Posted in North Miami

Adios, Larry Spring. Good riddance! (UPDATED)

Larry Spring’s gig as North Miami City Manager is finally coming to an end. His last day is January 31, 2020. In a 4-1 vote, the Mayor and Council approved a proposed separation agreement that…

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Posted in North Miami

Who knew “public service” could be so profitable? (Apparently, Philippe Bien-Aime did.)

We’re old enough to remember when North Miami mayoral candidate Philippe Bien-Aime promised fiscal responsibility if he was elected. As we all know, that promise went out the window before he was even sworn in…

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Posted in North Miami

Chaos on the Dais! North Miami Mayor and Council (Barely) Pass a Budget. (UPDATED)

We hope you got your popcorn, ‘cuz here’s the recap of the September 17, 2019 North Miami 2nd Budget Hearing you’ve been waiting for! As soon as City Clerk Vanessa Joseph took the roll call…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

It’s Budget Busting Time in North Miami! (UPDATED)

Get out the popcorn! On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM, the North Miami Mayor and Council will meet for the second reading of the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. As hard as it is…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

NMB Commish Mike Joseph wants to be just like North Miami … broke, in debt, and corrupt!

Commissioner Mike “Michael” Joseph, actually believes he’s going to single-handedly transform North Miami Beach into his own personal “progressive” paradise – by breaking the bank for the upcoming fiscal year.  The long list of his…

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Posted in North Miami

Larry Spring’s Magical Mystery Budget, Part 2

In our previous blog post, we reported on North Miami City Manager Larry Spring’s projected revenue in his Preliminary Annual Budget FY 2019-20, and pointed out several problems with his estimations. In today’s installment we’ll discuss…

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Posted in North Miami

Larry Spring’s Magical Mystery Budget, Part 1

Budget season in North Miami is never without drama.  This one promises to be just as entertaining. This time last year, City Manager Larry Spring and his complicit Deputy Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey duped the…

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Posted in North Miami

Mike Pizzi: “This is why we have a whistleblower statute.”

Weeks before Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Dennis J. Murphy retired from the bench, he hastily ruled in favor of the City of North Miami’s Motion to Dismiss a whistleblower lawsuit filed by NMPD Sergeant Neal…

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Posted in North Miami

Last Chance to Save North Miami!

STOP THE PRESSES! We intended to post this final election blog by last night. However, we learned late in the evening that North Miami City Manager Larry Spring finally released the city’s Comprehensive Annual Financial…

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