Tag: Katherine Fernandez Rundle
Harvette Smith’s Handy Dandy Race Card
Imagine what would happen to a Chief of Police who forces her Assistant, a civilian police department employee, to notarize a fraudulent affidavit under threat of termination for the purpose of illegally obtaining a relative’s…
BEWARE! North Miami Beach election fraudsters are already on the loose!
The late North Miami Beach (and Original Criminal) Commissioner Frantz Pierre perfected the dark art of absentee ballot fraud as far back as 2011. We exposed him when he was caught red-handed in a…
Ain’t no Sunshine in North Miami. But, residents are done playing!
It was beginning to look like North Miami’s dire financial troubles were slowly coming to an end. The recently published Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) reflected an increase of $7 million in…
North Miami, still corrupt after all these years.
Once again, North Miami elected officials are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. After terminating Larry Spring in January 2020, indisputably the worst City Manager in its entire history, the City Council once…
Bye, Duke! (Part 3)
It should be pretty clear by now to anyone with the capacity to think that ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey should have been fired for cause. In fact, there’s plenty of evidence…
“Not politically motivated?” 

You’re killing us. Just stop!
When North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph leaked the “news” that a private investigator falsely claimed that Mayor Anthony DeFillipo did not reside in the City, CBS News ran with the “breaking” story. Local…
Dear ASA Tim VanderGiesen: Inquiring minds want to know!
Stephanie Kienzle <stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com> Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 5:48 PM To: Tim VanderGiesen <TimVanderGiesen@miamisao.com> Cc: “Gorchow, Joseph” <jgorchow@cbs.com>, “Milberg, Glenna” <gmilberg@wplg.com>, “Arrojo, Jose (COE)” <jose.arrojo@miamidade.gov>, “Defillipo, Anthony” <anthony.defillipo@citynmb.com>, Fortuna Smukler <fortuna.smukler@citynmb.com>, Phyllis Smith <phyllis.smith@citynmb.com>, “Chernoff,…
Here’s why North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot must be fired (preferably disbarred), Part 2
Regardless of the ridiculous narrative being pushed by three North Miami Beach Commissioners about why they aren’t attending meetings, the truth is they are holding an entire city hostage because they’re butt hurt that they…
“The criminals who did this.” Part 2
In a previous column we told you that the former North Miami Mayor, Andre Pierre, had his minions destroy his opponent’s campaign signs during his 2011 run for re-election. We also told you that Andre…
P Card Madness, Part 1. North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners charge up a storm on your dime!
In a previous blog, we revealed how the seven elected officials in North Miami Beach are spending their “discretionary” funds. Although they are each allotted an insane $20,000.00 a year, $6,500.00 of that amount they…