Posted in North Miami Beach

The downfall of the North Miami Beach Police Department, courtesy of Duke Sorey!

Every single dire prediction we made when Arthur “Duke” Sorey was hired as the North Miami Beach City Manager has come true. Every.  Single.  One. Including and especially the destruction of the formerly stellar North…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Start popping! Duke sued North Miami Beach, and it promises to be a blockbuster!

The July 27, 2023 Florida Bulldog‘s article, Charge it! North Miami Beach officials racked up $1.4 million in unauthorized purchases on city credit cards, report says, details Michael A. Pizzi, Esq.’s Investigative Report on the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

How much did Paule Villard’s taxpayer-funded vacation to Haiti cost? It’s even worse than we thought! (Part 1)

When we first found out about EX-North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard’s second summer vacation on taxpayer dime — this time to Haiti — we immediately made a public records request on July 30, 2022…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard once again proves that she’s a racist. (And a really stupid racist at that!)

The proverbial ink was barely dry on our last column, The real cost of Racist Paule Villard’s exclusive party for the women of “her community,” in which we pointed out her outright racism toward anyone…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Lies and Crimes of Paule Villard

If North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard would ever utter a truthful word, jaws would drop, traffic would come to a screeching halt, and birds would fall out of the sky in shock. Luckily,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

BREAKING NEWS! The North Miami Beach Police Department’s union being bullied into endorsing Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard

We just received a tip that IUPA, the union representing the North Miami Beach Police Department, is being bullied into endorsing Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard in her bid for re-election. We’re also told that the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

They spent how much on what? NMB City Officials Gone Wild, Part 2

Last month in They spent how much on what? NMB City Officials Gone Wild, Part 1, we reported on the questionable charges made by the five desk-jockeys in City Manager Duke Sorey’s regime, who spent…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Duke Sorey’s War on Residents

North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has declared War on Residents. Specifically, resident Mubarak Kazan, who’s only “crime” is asking the Manager, “Where’s the money?” And for the audacity of holding his government’s…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The criminal acts of Paule Villard

When North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard stupidly decided to ask a Judge to issue a restraining order against me on March 16, 2022, it was only the latest in a long line of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

#RIPNMB: North Miami Beach Corruptocrats Go Full Rogue!

Move over Mafia — North Miami Beach is now officially being run by an organized crime ring. There is no Federal, State, County or even City law that Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard…

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