Posted in North Miami Beach

Spending on Steroids. North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners are going for broke. Literally!

Last August, we warned you that the four North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, Paule Villard, and Daniela Jean, were blowing through your tax dollars like it was monopoly money. They were…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Party Animal Paule spares no expense throwing lavish parties for her family and personal friends. Courtesy of North Miami Beach taxpayers, of course!

Every day is a party for North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard.  Especially since she’s not footing the bill. In fact, as long as her personal manservant, a/k/a City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, has…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The criminal acts of Paule Villard

When North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard stupidly decided to ask a Judge to issue a restraining order against me on March 16, 2022, it was only the latest in a long line of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Shades of Marty King! North Miami Beach is back in the business of buying things that go “missing.”

Flashback to 2010 when Myron Rosner was still the Mayor North Miami Beach, and his arrest and conviction on grand theft third degree felony still two years in the future, there was another City official…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


You will recall that at the January 19, 2022 Commission Meeting, North Miami Beach Commissioner Kramer proposed the censuring of two of her colleagues on the dais for, well, being the criminals they are. The…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Willis Howard, “Consultant”: A story of corruption and racism in North Miami Beach

The Criminal Commissioners of North Miami Beach have placed an interesting item on the Agenda for the March 24, 2022 Commission Meeting. It appears that Paule Villard’s personal, taxpayer-funded campaign manager, Willis Howard, has resigned…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Racist World of Paule Villard

The terminally stupid North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard doesn’t know much of anything at all. But, the one thing she’s absolutely sure of is that — YOU’RE a racist! The fact is that…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Police Chief Richard Rand “resigns.” At gun point. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

The North Miami Beach Firing Squad, led by Head Hooligan Duke Sorey and his Yapping Lapdog Gedel Merzius, finally “convinced” Police Chief Richard Rand to “resign.” Or else. You will recall that back in November,…

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Posted in Hallandale Beach North Miami Beach

Commissioner Daniela Jean invites anti-Semitism into North Miami Beach!

It was bad enough when North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard falsely accused Commissioner Barbara Kramer of “racism” at the January 18, 2022 City Commission Meeting. WATCH! It was even worse when Paule sponsored a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Race Card Paule and the dumbing down of the North Miami Beach City Commission

We’re old enough to remember when the City of North Miami Beach was run by intelligent people who understood their roles at City Hall, who governed responsibly, and who passed legislation for the benefit of…

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