Tag: Dan Espino
Dear ASA Tim VanderGiesen: Inquiring minds want to know!
Stephanie Kienzle <stephanie.kienzle@gmail.com> Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 5:48 PM To: Tim VanderGiesen <TimVanderGiesen@miamisao.com> Cc: “Gorchow, Joseph” <jgorchow@cbs.com>, “Milberg, Glenna” <gmilberg@wplg.com>, “Arrojo, Jose (COE)” <jose.arrojo@miamidade.gov>, “Defillipo, Anthony” <anthony.defillipo@citynmb.com>, Fortuna Smukler <fortuna.smukler@citynmb.com>, Phyllis Smith <phyllis.smith@citynmb.com>, “Chernoff,…
North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph, who is a deeply flawed, and very racist human individual, uses the color of his skin as a weapon against anyone who criticizes him or holds him accountable for…
Paule Villard’s “Unity” 

Once upon a time former-then-arrested-then convicted North Miami Beach Commissioner Frantz Pierre had a grand vision to create an all-Haitian government, starting with the elected officials. In Haitian Like Me, we reported: Just imagine if…
There is No Public Trust
Save your paper, save your ink, save your postage, save your sanity. Don’t waste your time filing complaints against unethical public officials with the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust because after several…
North Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Joseph: “We’re in charge now. Shut up and obey!”
As predicted, North Miami Beach is one step closer to becoming as morally, ethically, and financially bankrupt as the City of North Miami. Now that Commissioners, Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Paule Villard were able…
Michael Joseph & Co.’s reckless plan to destroy North Miami Beach
At a Special Meeting held on August 4, 2020, the North Miami Beach City Commission voted 5-2 to compromise the safety and quality of the water utility and to flush at least $9 million down…