Tag: Barbara Kramer
Shady political operative/lobbyist/”consultant” Willis Howard running for Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections. (Try not to laugh!)
Ex-North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard’s taxpayer-funded campaign manager, Willis Howard, wants you to know that, if elected as Supervisor of the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, he will uphold the agency’s “pledge to instill…
Motor Mouth McKenzie beclowns himself. Again! 🤡🤡🤡 (Part 3)
This is the third and final installment of this series. It’s the last one not because there isn’t so much more to write about North Miami Beach Clown Commissioner McKenzie Fleurimond’s performance at the April…
The contemptible “legacy” of Arthur “Duke” Sorey (Part 1)
On March 13, 2023, ex-City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey sent a Memo to the Mayor and Commission in response to their directives given at the January 19, 2023 workshop. One of the items addressed in…
Bye, Duke! (Part 3)
It should be pretty clear by now to anyone with the capacity to think that ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey should have been fired for cause. In fact, there’s plenty of evidence…
Bye, Duke! (Part 2)
Now that ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey finally admitted that he didn’t get the job because of what he knows, which is pretty much nothing, but because of who he knows and…
Thursday’s resignation of North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot has also resulted in the withdrawal of his illegally hired “counsel,” Sham Lawyer Luis E. Suarez. Suarez purported to represent the City in two separate…
Here’s why North Miami Beach City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot must be fired (preferably disbarred), Part 1
In the two months since the November 22, 2022 runoff election, North Miami Beach Commissioners Michael Joseph and McKenzie Fleurimond still can’t accept the loss of their former co-conspirator on the dais, Paule Villard. With…
That’s a lot of zeros! Six-figure reasons why Duke Sorey should have already been fired!
Once upon a time when North Miami Beach had a real City Manager, the cost of special events was reasonable. Esmond Scott was first appointed as Interim City Manager on July 10, 2018. He prepared…
Michael Joseph Unmasked! (Yet Again)
Once again, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph has summoned his surrogate army to carry out the Devil’s handiwork. As we previously reported in Devil on the Dais! The Twisted Duplicity of Michael Joseph,…
The Timeless Legacy of North Miami Beach Commissioner Barbara Kramer
Unlike the failings of a certain one-term elected official, whose name shall not be mentioned here but will be referred to as the Criminal Ex-Commish, the legacy of Commissioner Barbara Kramer will forever be associated…