Posted in North Miami Beach

The downfall of the North Miami Beach Police Department, courtesy of Duke Sorey!

Every single dire prediction we made when Arthur “Duke” Sorey was hired as the North Miami Beach City Manager has come true. Every.  Single.  One. Including and especially the destruction of the formerly stellar North…

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Posted in North Miami North Miami Beach

North Miami, still corrupt after all these years.

  Once again, North Miami elected officials are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. After terminating Larry Spring in January 2020, indisputably the worst City Manager in its entire history, the City Council once…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Try not to hurt yourself laughing. Duke Sorey filed an Amended Complaint and it’s HILARIOUS! (Part 3)

As we reported in Part 1 and Part 2, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, the corrupt ex-North Miami Beach City Manager, filed a lawsuit against his former employer after he was fired for cause.  Although he had…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Try not to hurt yourself laughing. Duke Sorey filed an Amended Complaint and it’s HILARIOUS! (Part 2)

As we told you in Part 1, ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has filed an Amended Complaint in his lawsuit against the City for “wrongful termination.” What we haven’t told you yet…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Try not to hurt yourself laughing. Duke Sorey filed an Amended Complaint and it’s HILARIOUS! (Part 1)

After getting fired for being the worst City Manager in the history of North Miami Beach, Arthur “Duke” Sorey filed a lawsuit against the City on July 21, 2023. As we reported in Start popping!…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

McKenzie Fleurimond exploits his official position, gets bitch-slapped by the Ethics Commission (UPDATED)

Finally, the chickens are coming home to roost. During the two years that the indisputably corrupt Arthur “Duke” Sorey was running the City of North Miami Beach, he and the four equally corrupt elected officials…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Race baiter Stephen Hunter Johnson wants you to vote for Paule Villard because, well, she’s black. Seems legit. 🙄

North Miami Beach Criminal Candidate Paule Villard has zero redeeming qualities. She lies, she cheats, she steals. Plus, she’s dumber than a doornail. But, according to Black Supremacist Stephen Hunter Johnson, if you don’t vote…

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Posted in Miami North Miami North Miami Beach

Duke Sorey’s co-author of North Miami’s fraudulent budget, Larry Spring, is now embroiled in yet another budget scandal in the City of Miami

We’re old enough to remember when the one-time Deputy City Manager of North Miami, Arthur “Duke” Sorey, and his then-boss, Larry Spring, foisted a fraudulent budget on an unsuspecting City Council.  When caught red-handed with…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners Boycott Another Meeting!

Paging Judge Valerie R. Manno Shurr! On March 5, 2023, she signed a Court Order for all North Miami Beach Commissioners to attend the March 21, 2023 Commission. When the three Criminal Commissioners, Michael Joseph,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Get your popcorn ready! Paule Villard filed to run for Mayor! 🤡🤡🤡

Talk about an October surprise! Yesterday at 12:00 noon, North Miami Beach City Clerk Andrise Bernard announced that two candidates have qualified to run for the temporarily vacated seat of suspended Mayor Anthony DeFillipo.  The…

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