Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami to Joe Celestin: “We got that lawyer fee.”

Just how ridiculous is former North Miami Mayor Joe Celestin’s lawsuit against the city? So ridiculous, that when he filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunctive Relief on March 12, 2015, the judge denied his Motion…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Value-added metrics, flawed statistics and fudge. Lots and lots of fudge!

In today’s climate of cash for scores, schools and police departments are under intense pressure to raise test scores and lower crime rates to obtain state and federal money, among other reasons.  While the scoring…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Campaign season is here. Let the fun begin!

The qualifying period for the North Miami Beach City Council election has come and gone.  I’m pleased to announce that all the candidates running for office are actually bona fide residents of the City of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron Watch: “Let my client go!”

Maybe one day North Miami Beach EX-Mayor/Felony Defendant Myron Rosner will answer for his crimes and misdemeanors. But not today. Just in time for Passover, the Florida Elections Commission has granted Myron yet another continuance on Case…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Frantzie Watch: You lie, you lie, YOU LIE!

I hate liars. There is nothing more despicable than people who lie.  It makes no difference if they tell little white lies, lies by omission, or big fat whoppers of lies, if they’re not speaking…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Chief Lenny’s Sesame Street PD

Sunny Day Sweepin’ the clouds away On my way to where the air is sweet Can you tell me how to get, How to get to Sesame Street?   Hello, kids!  Welcome to Sesame Street. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Chief Lenny’s Last Chance Saloon

In the real world, there are consequences for everything we do.  If our parents did a decent job, we learned from an early age that good behavior gets rewarded and bad behavior gets punished.  We…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: Not so breaking news! (UPDATED)

The deadline for the qualifying period to run for City Council in North Miami Beach came and went with no drama. Unless you count the last five minutes before noon when the Spork Weasel of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Flushing Out The Mole

Memo to Chief Leonard Burgess: I realize that I’m not one of your favorite people.  I know I’ve been a thorn in your side.  It’s probably driving you nuts that you can’t stifle me.  You…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

N̶I̶N̶E̶ ̶Y̶E̶A̶R̶S̶!̶ FIVE YEARS FIVE MONTHS! (UPDATED AGAIN FOR RP’S SAKE) just reported that suspended North Miami Mayor Lucie Tondreau was sentenced to nine years in prison.

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