Posted in North Miami Beach

Shades of Marty King! North Miami Beach is back in the business of buying things that go “missing.”

Flashback to 2010 when Myron Rosner was still the Mayor North Miami Beach, and his arrest and conviction on grand theft third degree felony still two years in the future, there was another City official…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Thanks for the memories! A stroll down NMB’s Corruption Hall of Shame, and a sneak peek at its newest inductee.

Every once in a while a corrupt politician comes along who is so incredibly stupid that you can’t help but wonder how they’ve defied the laws of evolution. Take NMB Hall of Shame founding member,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Willis Howard, “Consultant”: A story of corruption and racism in North Miami Beach

The Criminal Commissioners of North Miami Beach have placed an interesting item on the Agenda for the March 24, 2022 Commission Meeting. It appears that Paule Villard’s personal, taxpayer-funded campaign manager, Willis Howard, has resigned…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Police Chief Richard Rand “resigns.” At gun point. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

The North Miami Beach Firing Squad, led by Head Hooligan Duke Sorey and his Yapping Lapdog Gedel Merzius, finally “convinced” Police Chief Richard Rand to “resign.” Or else. You will recall that back in November,…

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Posted in Hallandale Beach North Miami Beach

Commissioner Daniela Jean invites anti-Semitism into North Miami Beach!

It was bad enough when North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard falsely accused Commissioner Barbara Kramer of “racism” at the January 18, 2022 City Commission Meeting. WATCH! It was even worse when Paule sponsored a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Take action to save the North Miami Beach Police Department from a corrupt regime!

The rumors are flying —  once again — North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey is trying to get rid of Police Chief Richard Rand. Even worse, we hear that he wants to replace…

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Posted in North Miami

Meanwhile in North Miami … We’re just here for the LOLZ! 🍿

By now it’s pretty obvious that we here at Voters Opinion have given up on the City of North Miami, which is barely worth the ink anymore. The last time we chimed in was back…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Paging Kathy Rundle! North Miami Beach is a cesspool of corruption. Do something already!

Over Thanksgiving weekend, organized mobs of looters ransacked retail stores around the country from San Francisco to Los Angeles to two cities in Minnesota, places where police have been defunded, crime has been decriminalized, and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The End Times in North Miami Beach

In just one 2-part Commission meeting, the evil triumvirate, City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey, Assistant City Manager Gedel Merzius, and Interim City Attorney Hans Ottinot, have annihilated Robert’s Rules, the City Charter, and the last…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB Clown Commissioners fall for #FakeNews story, introduce meaningless legislation to condemn it. 🤡🤡🤡

The Agenda for tonight’s North Miami Beach City Commission Meeting is chock filled with so much silliness, nonsense and sheer stupidity. It’s hilarious enough that Michael Joseph is proposing legislation on his “brilliant” idea to…

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