Posted in North Miami Beach

5̶0̶0̶0̶ 4998 Role Models of Excellence

On March 21, 2023, the North Miami Beach Mayor and Commission finally held it’s first post-election meeting, thanks solely to Judge Valerie R. Manno Schurr’s Order Granting Plaintiff’s Emergency Motion to Compel Commissioners Attendance at…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Bye, Duke! (Part 2)

Now that ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey finally admitted that he didn’t get the job because of what he knows, which is pretty much nothing, but because of who he knows and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Bye, Duke! (Part 1)

We are still recovering from the drama of the much anticipated firing of the grossly incompetent and astoundingly corrupt City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey at last Tuesday night’s Commission meeting. As satisfying as it is…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Phillip Ford: The Poster Child for Nepotism

When Arthur “Duke” Sorey was regrettably hired as North Miami Beach City Manager, the first thing he did was bring all his cronies over from North Miami, where he was born, raised, and worked for…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Circuit Court Judge: ANTHONY DEFILLIPO IS STILL THE MAYOR! (But, wait! There’s more!)

Much to the dismay of the corrupt City “Attorney” Hans Ottinot, at a hearing this morning, Circuit Court Judge Valerie R. Manno Schurr refused to remove North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony DeFillippo from office. She…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The real cost of Racist Paule Villard’s exclusive party for the women of “her community”

We hope you’re sitting down. In May, we reported that North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard spent $8,775.36 of your tax dollars on an event that had absolutely no public benefit for the residents…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Devil on the Dais Redux: Michael Joseph unleashes his “anonymous” surrogate army of demons on unsuspecting North Miami Beach voters!

Desperate men do desperate things, and North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph is a very desperate man. So desperate, in fact, that he’s pulled out the same manipulative bag of “anonymous” tricks he played…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard beclowns herself at a candidate forum, Part 2

Throughout the entire two-hour Candidate’s Forum hosted by the Voter’s Council of North Miami Beach on October 13, 2022, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard smirked whenever criticism was directed toward her.  Based on her haughty demeanor,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

CORRUPTION ALERT: North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is now stealing another $225,000 of your money to buy votes!

Item 11.3 on the Agenda for the August 16, 2022 North Miami Beach City Commission Meeting is Resolution No. R2022-118, sponsored by none other than Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard, for the alleged purpose of “using…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

They spent how much on what? NMB City Officials Gone Wild, Part 1

We’ve already proven how some of the North Miami Beach Commissioners are misusing your money with their taxpayer-funded credit cards, a/k/a P Cards.  They have spent a combined $50,984.70 in just the first six months…

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