Posted in North Miami Beach

Try not to hurt yourself laughing. Duke Sorey filed an Amended Complaint and it’s HILARIOUS! (Part 2)

As we told you in Part 1, ex-North Miami Beach City Manager Arthur “Duke” Sorey has filed an Amended Complaint in his lawsuit against the City for “wrongful termination.” What we haven’t told you yet…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Try not to hurt yourself laughing. Duke Sorey filed an Amended Complaint and it’s HILARIOUS! (Part 1)

After getting fired for being the worst City Manager in the history of North Miami Beach, Arthur “Duke” Sorey filed a lawsuit against the City on July 21, 2023. As we reported in Start popping!…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

WakeUp NMB’s Year in Review, by President Barbara Kramer

As we bid farewell to 2023, I am pleased to present a retrospective of WakeUp NMB’s journey throughout the year. Remarkably, it has been a full year since the inception of WakeUp NMB, and what…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Devil on the Dais Strikes Again!

Newly elected North Miami Beach Mayor Evan Piper was sworn in on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. In his nearly 13-minute acceptance speech, Mayor Piper spoke about leaving the past behind and moving the City forward….

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Race baiter Stephen Hunter Johnson wants you to vote for Paule Villard because, well, she’s black. Seems legit. 🙄

North Miami Beach Criminal Candidate Paule Villard has zero redeeming qualities. She lies, she cheats, she steals. Plus, she’s dumber than a doornail. But, according to Black Supremacist Stephen Hunter Johnson, if you don’t vote…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Smell of Desperation

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioners Michael Joseph, McKenzie Fleurimond, and Daniela Jean are desperate. They’ve been furious ever since they lost their four-vote majority on the dais last November and their taxpayer-funded spending spree came…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Sham Campaign of Criminal Candidate Paule Villard

A good indicator of how much support a candidate for local office has is by the number of friends, neighbors, and associates who are willing to donate to his or her campaign. The latest Campaign…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

CONFIRMED! Paule Villard is a pathological liar! And Channel 10’s Glenna Milberg has the receipts!

Last fall when North Miami Beach EX-Criminal Commissioner/current Criminal Candidate, Paule Villard, was running for re-election, Channel 10 Reporter Extraordinaire Glenna Milberg exposed Paule’s fraudulent use of $225,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Ten questions Paule Villard will never answer. (But ask her anyway.)

Last Sunday, Channel 10 reporter Glenna Milberg invited North Miami Beach mayoral candidates, Evan Piper and Paule Villard, to be on her weekly morning show, This Week in South Florida.  Evan accepted the invitation, but…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Unclear on who she’s running against, Paule Villard has Michael Joseph’s “anonymous” surrogate army attack a non-existent opponent! 🤣🤣🤣

North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Michael Joseph likes to hide behind an “anonymous” surrogate army made up of his fellow Circle of Corruption members, his former campaign workers, and racists who lie about being residents….

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