Posted in North Miami Beach

Just Posted on NBC Miami: Sign Thief Caught on Video

North Miami Beach Police Looking for Campaign Sign Stealer Man caught on video swiping political candidate’s sign By Brian Hamacher |  Thursday, Apr 4, 2013  |  Updated 8:21 AM EDT North Miami Beach Police say…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Meanwhile, in the REAL North Miami…

…they’re having their biennial election, too.  Since I don’t live or vote in North Miami (even though this seems to be only a minor technicality for some voters and even candidates), I’ll try to refrain…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Save North Miami Beach!”

The Mayor and Council of North Miami Beach received an email today from one J. Anthony Davis, asking them to “save Greynolds Park!”  Apparently, the mere thought of building a (YIKES!) ten story commercial building…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Happy New Year!

Greetings, 2013!  Looking back on 2012, I wonder if we learned any lessons from the year we just survived.  Let’s take a short stroll down memory lane and see if we can expect any improvement…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The new “PC:” Politically Connected

There are some strange things going on at North Miami Beach City Hall.  As you know, the former City Manager Lyndon Bonner was given his walking papers at the end of his contract in September. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Goes to Court. Kimmie Gets a Key.

The never ending strip club problem in North Miami (and North Miami Beach) has reared its ugly head yet again.  I first wrote about this issue a year ago and it just won’t go away. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Say it isn’t so! Corruption in North Miami; Bloviating in NMB!

Some of you might have noticed that I haven’t written a column in a while.  At first I thought it was a case of writer’s block, but the truth is it’s been difficult mustering up…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach Police Department Press Releases

  Recent arrests by the NMBPD.  Nice!     October 15, 2012: 2012-1012-11  Burglary Apartment Arrests x 2   2102 NE 167 ST Apt#Q-3  1110 hrs Street Crimes Det. Festa observed a 1995 Nissan Maxima driving…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Here we go again, North Miami!

North Miami is once again being inundated by requests from “non-profits” for taxpayer handouts.  According to an email from Councilman Scott Galvin, on the Agenda for tonight’s council meeting three different organizations are lining up…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami’s Sidewalk-Gate

As I reported in North Miami Flush Fund, the city just paid over $99,000.00 to a company called IMECO, Inc. to clean three blocks of sidewalks.  Yes.  They did.  Strange, but true. At its Regular…

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