Posted in North Miami Beach

How much is your vote worth?

While we wait with bated breath to see if North Miami Beach councilwoman Phyllis Smith will introduce her third piece of “legislation” in the over four years she’s been taking up space and airtime on…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 27, 2011 CONTACT: Jennifer Laurent (850) 488-7088 Rep. Julien Files Capital Felonies Legislation NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — Today, Representative John Patrick Julien (D-North Miami Beach) refiled his Sentencing in Capitol…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Random Acts of Karma

As most of you know, a few days ago my webmaster’s computer was hacked and our website,, was pillaged.  Since then, I’ve been able to recover about a hundred out of approximately 135 of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


As some of you may know by now, yesterday this website has been literally wiped out by a hacker.  The site itself wasn’t attacked, but my webmaster’s computer was hacked!  Whoever got into his computer…

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Posted in Uncategorized

How ’bout a glass, Phyllis?

(Originally published 6/21/11) At tonight’s pre-council meeting, North Miami Beach Mayor George Vallejo said it seems like the council is rearranging chairs on the Titanic.  Boy, was that ever an understatement!  Again, councilwoman Phyllis Smith,…

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Posted in Uncategorized

State of Urgency

(Originally published 6/19/11) Chicken Little reporting here.  Or, that would be the name I’m called by certain past and present members of the North Miami Beach City Council.  For the past couple of years I’ve…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


(Originally published 6/15/11) I just found out that I made the “Best Of” list in the Miami New Times.  WOW!  How cool is that?  Your little ol’ worm digger won the “Best Gadfly – 2011″…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Shooting the Messenger (and rather ineffectively, I might add)

(Originally published 6/14/11) Most of my faithful readers know that I’m a stickler for grammar.  When my children asked me to review their English essays, the first thing I did was red pencil poor grammar,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Numbers Game

(Originally published 6/12/11) Believe it or not, I started out in life as a numbers person and not a wordsmith.  Growing up, my real passions were football, math and science.  In that order.  My original…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

You squawkin’ to me?

(Originally published 6/11/11) As I reported to you last week in “Phyllis Smith, Her Majesty the Baby” (, North Miami Beach councilwoman Phyllis Smith is in the process of lobbying for council votes AGAINST the…

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