Posted in North Miami Beach

Interview With NMB Mayor George Vallejo on St Surin 1700am Radio (Parts 1 and 2)

   Part 1    Part 2

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Posted in North Miami Beach

If it bleeds, it leads

Make no mistake about it.  Nothing sells news like murder and mayhem.  The same principle is involved when traffic slows to glacial speed even if the accident is well off to the side of the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

In Defense of GOP Principles, by a Common Sense Republican

For those of you who are leery of the fact that I am a Republican, I thought I’d try to give you a better idea of my personal political beliefs.  You’ll find I’m not so…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Roosting Chickens

As far back as December of 2009, I started warning the North Miami Beach City Council and then City Manager, Kelvin Baker, that the economy was on the verge of collapsing.  I sent them an…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

A picture is worth 50 million words.

As much as I love numbers, I probably love graphs and charts even more.  To me, numbers are the most perfect thing in the universe.  There is nothing subjective about mathematics.  Numbers are based on…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Making Friends and Influencing People?” I think not!

My parents were honest-to-goodness hippies.  My father was the more staid of the two, never quite leaving the fifties, with his Fonzie haircut and his “gang” of fellow New Yorkers.  But my mother embraced the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Bad Apples?

Somewhere amidst all the rhetoric being spewed over North Miami Beach’s budget crisis there is the truth.  Reasonable people know this.  Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be enough reason to go around these days.  Panic,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Court Jester of NMB!

Tonight the City of North Miami Beach held the first of many budget workshops.  It was just about eleven months ago that we had our last round of budget workshops, when the former city manager…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Spelling Counts!

Some people warned me that if I spoke my mind about unions there would be repercussions.  They also warned me that no matter how much I supported our North Miami Beach Police Department, in word…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Scare Tactics and Fear Mongering:Games UNIONS Play!

Just posted online in the Miami Herald is an article entitled, “NMB may fire 20 percent of its police force.”  See Talk about PROPAGANDA!  First of all, no one told the police department to…

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