Posted in North Miami Beach

“Lucy! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

One of my favorite childhood shows was I Love Lucy.  It didn’t matter what I was doing, the minute I heard the familiar theme song ( I would drop everything and run to the television. …

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Posted in Uncategorized

Reader’s Column: Your Letters Published Here!

I’m certainly not going to try to compete with the Miami Herald.  I also don’t want to step on the toes of our reporter, Nadege Green, who I believe is one of the best we’ve…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Economics 101: Privatization

In the world of government, the word “privatization” has become a dirty word.  Of course, those who run government agencies don’t want to hear that private companies could do the same job, more efficiently and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

A North Miami Beach Police Officer Speaks Out

Regardless of the personal attacks I’ve received from a very, very small group of North Miami Beach police officers (three of them to be exact), I still believe that the vast majority of the members…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

State of the UNION

Everyone knows that when UNIONS organize peaceful protests, it’s all good.  Nothing bad ever happens, right? The North Miami Beach Police Officers Association, a/k/a UNION, applied for a permit for a “1st Amendment Right Demonstration,”…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Beware of Calico Cops

To say that all this madness in North Miami Beach is making me a tad jittery would be a gross understatement.  All the nasty, rude and “GO F$&K YOURSELF” comments are, if nothing else, keeping…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Your a crazy woman Kienzel. GO F$&K YOURSELF.

I got yet another “lovely” comment from yet another disgruntled North Miami Beach cop, from what is most likely a freshly created email address, and calling himself “YeahRight.”  Frankly, this is getting tiresome. This cop…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“From MY Seat”

I understand there’s a new drinking game in town called, “From My Seat.”  The rules are very simple.  Every time North Miami Beach councilwoman Phyllis Smith says, “from my seat,” you’re supposed to take a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

UNTITLED. Because I’m too pissed to think of one!

Last night’s North Miami Beach City Council meeting was a real eye opening experience for me.  Fully expecting the “sea of blue” to the fill the Council Chambers, I knew I wouldn’t be getting a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Blue Herrings and Hunting Cats

So here I am standing at the kitchen sink this morning washing dishes when I catch a movement out of the corner of my eye.  I instinctively look down and right there on the counter…

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