Posted in North Miami Beach

And the Winner is…

The moment we’ve all been waiting for finally arrived last night at North Miami Beach City Hall – the Final Reading and Vote of The Budget.  It was a night filled with drama, suspense and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Playing Chicken

We are now counting down the hours until the North Miami Beach City Council votes on the budget for the 2011/2012 fiscal year.  This is almost as nerve wracking as waiting to see who wins…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

I Told You So!

An amazing thing happened today.  No, I mean REALLY amazing!  The Miami Herald finally published something that didn’t make me grit my teeth, snarl and throw the paper to the ground in disgust.  Today, however,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Running a Tight Ship

Okay, so we’re not Aventura.  We get that.  Oh, boy, do we get that!  But what I find extraordinarily interesting is the fact that with all of Aventura’s expensive high rises, two malls (including the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Cut the Crap Already!

Most people inherently know that the best way to get something you want is to not piss off the person who can give it to you.  Kids who make it past the terrible twos stage…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Bigger Picture

Here we go again.  Last night there was a shooting in North Miami Beach.  While it wasn’t technically within our boundaries but in the area known as the “doughnut hole,” most people outside NMB don’t…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Now for the REAL news!  As I’ve mentioned here a few times, the City of Hollywood just to our north had to resort to a referendum to determine whether or not to institute pension reform…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Talkin’ Smack

Yeah, yeah, I know.  I’ve been told by the grown up police officers in North Miami Beach that the ones who post on the LEOAffairs website are a handful of immature brats who try to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Propaganda Machine?”

In case there’s anyone out there that doesn’t know the difference between a reporter and a blogger, I’m going to fill you in right now.  Reporters are supposed to be professional journalists who hopefully have…

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Posted in Uncategorized

500 Tea Party Protesters Storm a Government Building, Take Hostages Posted by RB Sept 10th 2011 at 4:58 am in Democrats/progressives, Featured Story, Mainstream Media, media bias | Comments (86)   Got your attention? Good. Because it seems that unless a story has negative…

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