Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron hits the Big Time!

Miami Herald columnist Fred Grimm outdid himself today with his piece, Dark arts explain a lot in North Dade (  On the front page of the local section, Mr. Grimm wrote, “So many strange doings…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

One for the birds!

Much has been made about this whole Santeria mishegas, that I felt it was time to put my two cents in after learning all the facts of the case.  Or, at least most of the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Bad Juju

I’ve stated on many occasions that North Miami Beach is the epicenter of the psycho-magnet known as South Florida.  My theory continues to be proven scientifically on an almost daily basis. For example, a pretty…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Random Questions

The absentee voter fraud scandal in northeast Miami-Dade County continues to get attention.  The Miami Herald’s most recent article, Probe finds ‘unscrupulous’ absentee-voting practices at ALF (, states, “A Miami-Dade ethics commission investigation has found…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


When former North Miami Beach city manager Kelvin Baker invited the NAACP into our city back in August of 2010 to investigate his bogus claims of racism, I stood up to them.  I published an…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Black Friday News!

What a difference a year makes. Squirrel News: One year ago today, as the residents in North Miami Beach were recovering from their Thanksgiving dinner, we had absolutely no clue that we were about to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


For Immediate Release: Media Contact: Kathleen Labrada 305-418-7172 COMMISSIONER SALLY HEYMAN SPONSORS FREE SPAY/NEUTER SURGERIES FOR CATS AND DOGS (MIAMI, November 17, 2011) – In an effort to continue their commitment to control the overpopulation…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The City of North Miami: Corruption “R” Us

While we here in North Miami Beach were fortunate enough to purge our city of a majority of corrupt government officials during the last election, the folks in North Miami weren’t so lucky.  A small…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Mayor George Vallejo Jumps with the US Army Golden Knights, AWESOME!

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron’s Hit List

Just when you thought former North Miami Beach mayor, Myron Rosner couldn’t sink any lower, well…he does.  I’m not going to reiterate yet again all the despicable things this man has done since he first…

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