Posted in North Miami Beach


The North Miami Beach Police made three arrests this week worth noting.  Thanks for helping rid our city of dirtbags like these! Stephanie Kienzle “Spreading the Wealth”                …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Is this any way to run a city?

What do the City of North Miami Beach and the Village of Pinecrest have in common?  Well, for one thing, both places are inhabited by people.  Beyond that, not much.  The two municipalities couldn’t be…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Pets Trust Petition

Friends and Supporters: I’m working with a very courageous group of people who are committed to making Miami-Dade a safer place for our companion animals. As a rescuer and spay/neuter advocate I’ve hit every roadblock…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Andre Pierre’s Corruption Body Count

Thanks to Miami Herald reader mahalo2011, here is a comprehensive list of North Miami mayor Andre Pierre’s well documented alleged ethical, moral and legal lapses.  Links to published articles included! Mayor Andre Pierre is the…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Media Contact: Mark Perkins Public Information Officer Phone: (305) 919-3756 Email:   WALK, RUN OR RIDE: LET’S GET FIT IN NMB KICKS OFF FEBRUARY 6 NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (February 2, 2012) – Join…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Corruptocrat of North Miami

What is it with people who get elected to local offices and then become drunk with power?  We saw this phenomenon with former North Miami Beach mayor Myron Rosner, who used his position to bully…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The “Privatization” of North Miami

I haven’t yet decided where I stand on the issue of privatizing the sanitation department here in North Miami Beach.  I’m still waiting to see what the private companies are willing to offer and to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Character Profile “Snidely Whiplash” Real Name: Snidely Whiplash Sex: Male Occupation: Arch Villain Home: Canada Education: Schoolhouse Rock Tag Line: Oh curses, foiled again! Biography: Will Canada ever be safe? How many damsels can you…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Stupid Cop Tricks

My most vivid recollection from my youth was that the school day always started promptly.  No matter what classroom I entered, even before the school bell rang the teacher was already on her feet at…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Stupid Editor Tricks

There is no mystery to the demise of the daily paper.  Newspaper Death Watch claims that the reason newspapers across the country are going out of business is,  “The daily newspaper as we know it…

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