Posted in North Miami Beach

Dude, Where’s My House?

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Posted in North Miami Beach

One Person, One Vote?

Call me crazy, but I was always under the impression that the PRIVILEGE of voting in the United States of America is limited to one vote per person.  I know that “organizing” organizations, such as…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

La Maison de Pierre

I don’t even know where to begin with this strange and twisted tale, but I do know where it ends. All the winding roads lead back to one person (or, one house, as it were)…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


If I were a betting woman, I’d venture a guess that the General Manager of local Fox Affiliate WSVN Channel 7 is regretting his decision not to air a story about Students Gone Wild at…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

All the News Not Fit to Print (or Air)

Our local ABC affiliate Channel 10 did what Fox affiliate Channel 7 wouldn’t do, and that is report actual news.  Call me crazy but it seems to me if the name of your program is…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Geniusofdespair on the Eye On Miami Website posted a video of a segment of the North Miami Council Meeting from March 13, 2012.  Please click here to read the column and watch the video! Here’s…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Media Whores, Racists and Icons

For decades now, we’ve been told that Hispanics are “of color.”  Apparently, even Asians are “of color,” too.  As are American Indians, Pacific Islanders and Arabs.  The only group of people who can’t be “of…

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Posted in National North Miami Beach

WARNING: Politically Incorrect

If this column offends your sensibilities, you can’t say I didn’t warn you.  But, here goes. Channel 7 doesn’t think it’s newsworthy to report an incident that happened right here in North Miami Beach yesterday…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Mystery Man of NMB

L’il Frantzie P envisions himself as a Man of Mystery.  He struts his zoot suited self around town like he’s hot stuff.  He’s actually quite comical.  And I have a feeling he’s in for a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Frantz Files

My favorite television show of all time was The X-Files.  For the entire nine year season I watched that show religiously every week, and I made sure I recorded it if I was going to…

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