Guest Columnist: “Anonymous” resident: North Miami Beach Commissioner Paule Villard is unfit to serve
A North Miami Beach resident sent me a comprehensive list of Paule Villard’s wrongdoings and abuse of your tax dollars and City resources. The individual asked me to publish it anonymously, and we were only…
Contemptible! Paule Villard and Hans Mardy show their racist colors on Haitian radio!
North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is well known for calling everyone who disagrees with her a racist. She produces absolutely no proof that anyone is actually a racist, but facts don’t matter to…
Guest Columnist Mark Sell returns: North Miami Beach Election 2022, Part 2
As the second in a series, here are some hot takes from the two North Miami Beach candidates’ forums, moderated on Oct. 13 by the most worthy citizens Saundra Douglas and Lorenzo Hall of Washington…
Guest Columnist Mark Sell returns: North Miami Beach Election 2022, Part 1
North Miami Beach voters, it’s voting time! Strap in! First, check out the Thursday, Oct. 20, 6:30-8:30 pm candidates’ forum at the McDonald Center 17011 NE 19th Ave. Online and call-in instructions are below. This…
North Miami Beach Meet & Greet the Candidates
North Miami Beach resident Allison Robie, Friends, and Neighbors will be hosting a Meet & Greet the Candidates on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. You are invited to attend in person…
Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard beclowns herself at a candidate forum, Part 2
Throughout the entire two-hour Candidate’s Forum hosted by the Voter’s Council of North Miami Beach on October 13, 2022, Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard smirked whenever criticism was directed toward her. Based on her haughty demeanor,…
Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is inciting a race war in North Miami Beach!
By far the most outrageous lie North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard told at the October 13, 2022 Voter’s Council of North Miami Beach’s Candidate’s Forum, was this whopper: “In 2013 when the previous…
Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard beclowns herself at a candidate forum, Part 1
On October 13, 2022, the Voter’s Council of North Miami Beach’s held its election season Candidate’s Forum, and as usual, North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard made a fool of herself. You can watch…
Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard steals yet another one of Fortuna Smukler’s events for her own taxpayer-funded campaign!
In July, we reported that North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard attempted to hijack Commissioner Fortuna Smukler’s Back to School Health Fair & School Supplies Giveaway on August 2, 2022, which the City first…
The laughable, gratuitous, and verifiable lies of Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard
We’ve proven time and time again that North Miami Beach Criminal Commissioner Paule Villard is the most corrupt elected official in the history of North Miami Beach. We’ve also proven that she’s a pathological liar….