Posted in North Miami Beach

Fun with Myron!

Watching former North Miami Beach mayor Myron Rosner in action has been pretty much like watching a train wreck.  Over and over and over.  Yesterday he was really on a tear.  I’m no psychiatrist, but…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

A Special Kind of Stupid

Myron Rosner is in love with Stephanie Kienzle. Or, should I say, “Myron Rosner is OBSESSED with Stephanie Kienzle?” Either way, the very idea that he is so consumed with my existence is disturbing.  On…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


NOTE:  Since I published this blog, I received an email from Rhonda Sibilia of the Ethics Commission.  This issue IS confusing, and she wanted me to clarify exactly what Mr. Centorino’s position is.  Here is…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Myron, Squirrel & Co.

Myron and the Squirrel in his pocket are at it again. Undaunted by the fact that the North Miami Beach Code Enforcement Board filed three Orders for three of Myron Rosner’s code violations on his…

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

Making the Grade. Or Not.

An organization for education reform called Foundation for Florida’s Future states as it’s mission:  To make Florida’s education system a model for the nation. As such, it has published the Florida Formula for education, which…

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Posted in Uncategorized

An American Tragedy

One morning last March as I drove past the Jade Winds Apartments on my way to work, I noticed a bunch of police cars and several news trucks at the entrance to the apartment complex. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

Attention: Middle School Parents

If you are a Miami-Dade County parent looking for the right middle school for your child, please visit a new blog called Magnet Parent Notebook.  This blog is written by a parent, who is not…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

We don’t need no stinkin’ sunshine. Part Deux.

As much as I complain about North Miami Beach, at least we don’t cater to “special interest groups” like North Miami does.  Not anymore anyway.  When Myron Rosner was still the mayor, every person who…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


His name is Myron Rosner. That would be the very same Myron Rosner who used to occupy the mayoral seat at North Miami Beach City Hall before he was unceremoniously dumped and replaced by newcomer…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Ugly Face of Racism

A Lauderdale Lakes woman by the name of Karyne S. Pompilus runs an alleged “non-profit” organization by the name of Actions for Better Future, Inc.  For months she has been coming before the North Miami…

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