Posted in North Miami Beach

Andre Pierre’s 15 Minutes of Infamy Continues

You really do learn something new every day.  At least, I seem to.  Being a country music fan in general, and a Dwight Yoakam fan in particular, I never listen to pop radio.  Good thing…

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8,000 Rockets

Imagine what your life would be like if you had exactly 15 seconds from the time a siren starts to find and get into a bomb shelter.  Imagine what your life would be like if…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Goes to Court. Kimmie Gets a Key.

The never ending strip club problem in North Miami (and North Miami Beach) has reared its ugly head yet again.  I first wrote about this issue a year ago and it just won’t go away. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Say it isn’t so! Corruption in North Miami; Bloviating in NMB!

Some of you might have noticed that I haven’t written a column in a while.  At first I thought it was a case of writer’s block, but the truth is it’s been difficult mustering up…

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

Debbie Dumb-Dumb, Damsel in Distress? Shizam to the Rescue!

As you might imagine, the all knowing, all powerful Wizard of North Miami Beach, Shizam, disagreed with my opinion of both State Representative Barbara Watson and Congressional Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  He sent me his…

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If you’ve already voted, you probably noticed that the challenger for State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle’s seat is a blank line.  The reason for this is that SOMEONE installed two write-in candidates during the primary…

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

I tip my hat to the Great Al Crespo!

“Support your local political bloggers!”  So says the reigning Miami New Times #1 blogger, who was once escorted to solitary confinement for “having a bad attitude.”  Al’s blog, The Crespogram Report, covers fraud and corruption…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Homeless Awareness Day

Dear Residents, As a member of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust board I am coordinating a sock drive with the city of North Miami Beach and in conjunction with the MDC Homeless Trust and Carrfour Supportive Housing. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Honor Among Thieves

As I reported to you a few days ago in North Miami’s Sidewalk-Gate, the City of North Miami was contemplating awarding a bid to a company called IMECO, Inc.  Last night at the City Council…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Marie Steril’s Just Desserts

Marie “Antoinette” Steril did it again.  The North Miami councilwoman had a temper tantrum at the last council meeting on October 23, 2012 when she was denied another chance to grab some coin for “her…

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