Posted in North Miami Beach

Just Posted on NBC Miami: Sign Thief Caught on Video

North Miami Beach Police Looking for Campaign Sign Stealer Man caught on video swiping political candidate’s sign By Brian Hamacher |  Thursday, Apr 4, 2013  |  Updated 8:21 AM EDT North Miami Beach Police say…

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Posted in National North Miami Beach

Hey, KFR! This is how it’s done!

Seven more crooked politicians get their just desserts! In Spring Valley, New York, an FBI sting nailed two corrupt public officials on federal charges.  Mayor Norami Jasmin was busted for bribery and Deputy Mayor Joseph…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

No Mercy!

Nothing makes me angrier than fraud, especially when it comes to elections.  If you are committing fraud, either as a candidate, an elected public official or a voter, I will not rest until you are…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami’s Circle of Corruption

There is so much corruption in the City of North Miami that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it all.  It’s even harder to keep track of all the players and the intertwined relationships…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

It’s all about the money, Part II

As promised, here are my observations on the North Miami City Council candidates’ Campaign Treasurer’s Reports. Waste Pro and its lobbyist are betting on councilman Michael Blynn to keep his seat and keep them happy. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

It’s all about the money

Like I said, you can tell a lot about a candidate by looking at their Campaign Treasurer’s Reports (CTRs).  Unlike NMB, over in North Miami, Reports listed on the Clerk’s election webpage are only posted…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Meanwhile, in the REAL North Miami…

…they’re having their biennial election, too.  Since I don’t live or vote in North Miami (even though this seems to be only a minor technicality for some voters and even candidates), I’ll try to refrain…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Speaking of Miramar, er, I mean North Miami

Yet another candidate for North Miami Beach City Council, who is endorsed by North Miami City Clerk Michael A. Etienne, Esquire, is Yvenoline Dargenson.  According to a page on her website, she’s just all about…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Who’s election is this anyway?

We are truly off to the races! A perusal of all the candidates for North Miami Beach City Council’s Campaign Treasurer’s Reports can yield a wealth of information.  For starters, according to candidate Jean D….

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Posted in North Miami Beach

And the race is on!

As of noon today, the 2013 Election Season for the City of North Miami Beach officially started. Let the insanity begin! Vying for Group 2, a/k/a The Open Seat, are the following candidates: Jean D….

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