Posted in North Miami Beach

Alan Sakowitz Endorses DeFillipo and Spiegel

Vote Anthony DeFillipo, Group 2 Councilwoman Beth Spiegel, Group 4 NMB Elections Election day May 7, 2013 Early voting May 2 -5, 2013 Why vote for Beth Spiegel and Anthony DeFillipo in the upcoming NMB…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

More on Dargenson

As my readers know, they are free to post comments on any of my columns, but it’s up to me or the Webmaster to approve them for publication.  Being a real defender of the First…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Shit Just Got Personal

Being the honest-to-a-fault person that my mother always complained about, I have a thing about liars.  It’s personal.  When someone lies to my face, I literally see red.  I absolutely, positively, without a freaking doubt…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

You Got Served!

OMG! It took an entire week, but Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson has FINALLY been served!  IT’S ABOUT FREAKING TIME! Since Councilwoman Beth Spiegel filed her lawsuit against the Faux North Miami Beach candidate, she’s been desperately…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Rise and Fall of Michael Etienne

I know this is hard to believe, but as cynical as I am, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Until they screw me over, of course.  Then watch out. Despite…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Oh, yes she did!

She most certainly did say that. I’m still reeling after reading the racist rant posted on Facebook by the daughter of North Miami Beach council candidate Jean D. Berrouet.  I guess this only proves that…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

OMIGOD! She did NOT say that, did she?

Let’s get rid of the white people??? The plot thickens in the push to get North Miami Beach councilman Frantz Pierre’s puppets elected into office.  I just got a glimpse of how his two candidates,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Yve” Update

Just so NON-RESIDENT Faux North Miami Beach council candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson doesn’t think I forgot her, I decided to bring you the Daily Dargenson Report.  I’ll give you snippets about our NON-RESIDENT Candidate Dumbass…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Where in the World is Yvenoline Dargenson?

In yesterday’s column, All About Yve, I wrote that the only way North Miami Beach NON-RESIDENT Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson will communicate with ACTUAL RESIDENTS of North Miami Beach is if they’re on Facebook….

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Hey, Yvie! Two can play the Facebook game!

Too bad you suck at it.  Just saying. Stephanie Kienzle “Spreading the Wealth”

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