Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Triple Dargenson: BITCH GOT SERVED!

I’m holding in my hand a copy of the signed VERIFIED RETURN OF SERVICE with respect to Case Number 13-013466 CA 20, in the matter of Beth E. Spiegel, Plantiff, vs. Yvenoline Dargenson a/k/a Yve Dargenson,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Double Dargenson: The Barbie Doll of Miramar

What do you do when you don’t have a single original thought rattling around in your pretty little empty head?  Why, PLAGIARIZE, OF COURSE! What do you do when you need a resume real quick…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

That was easy!

Just google “Yvenoline Dargenson” and you’ll get a plethora of information.  At the top of the list pops up, showing one Yvenoline Dargenson OF MIRARMAR, who PREVIOUSLY LIVED in NORTH MIAMI BEACH. 

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: The Princess of Prevarication Wants Your Vote

Today’s paid Facebook advertisement, brought to you by the Facebook Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, is all about preserving the vote.  She posted the following paid advertisement on her page: What L’il Mizz Liar neglects…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Let’s Play Politician

Using her Facebook Campaign to practice being a politician, MIRAMAR RESIDENT Faux candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson, proves how adept she is at giving non-answers to direct questions.  Take a look at her response when ACTUAL…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Spork Weasel of NMB

North Miami Beach Council Weasel Frantz Pierre is up to his usual tricks.  Some old, some new.  But you can bet he’s always up to something, and it’s always to no good. His latest chicanery…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Haitian Like Me”

Just imagine if I were to send out a letter and urge voters to make sure we have a “White Majority.” Just imagine if I were to post on Facebook “vote for the only whites…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Breaking News: Shooting in Northern Miami Beach – UPDATE

A drive by shooting just occurred in North Miami Beach in the area of Northeast 19th Court and 161st Street.   Two vehicles were driving south on Northeast 19th Court.  Shots were fired at a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Crime Prevention should be our Number One Priority!

So, check this out.  This morning I turned on my computer, sat down, checked my email and then opened Facebook.  Right at the top of my news feed was this advertisement sponsored by none other…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Just in case you thought there were no gangs in NMB…

Watch this! (Warning:  Language and suggested violence)   If this doesn’t scare the heck out of you nothing will.  Just saying. On May 7, 2013, PLEASE VOTE RESPONSIBLY! Stephanie Kienzle “Spreading the Wealth”

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