Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: More On Dargenson Family Values

North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson is running on a “Family Values” platform.  In her literature, she claimed, “I am married with children. As a mother, I understand the meaning of family values.” …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Jean D. Berrouet: More “Family Values” from L’il Frantzie P?

North Miami Beach Council candidate Jean D. Berrouet is a jack of many trades.  He’s one of the two patsies that current Council Weasel Frantz Pierre has cajoled into running for office in order to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Wanna run for office in North Miami Beach even though you don’t live here? NO PROBLEM, MON! Wanna vote in Miami-Dade County even though you live in Broward? NO PROBLEM, MON! Wanna sell your vote…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Where does racism come from?

In case you were wondering where alleged racist Sarah Berrouet got her alleged racism, look no further than her own mother.  On April 22, 2013, Dorise Berrouet, the wife of North Miami Beach council candidate…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Judgement Day

A quote often attributed to Benjamin Franklin states, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.”  The second part of the quote is, “Liberty is a well armed lamb…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Where there’s smoke…

Not only is there fire, but if it involves Frantzie, it’s a freaking FIRESTORM! North Miami Beach Council Weasel, a/k/a L’il Frantzie P, a/k/a The P Man, a/k/a Frantz Pee-Aire, a/k/a Spork Weasel of NMB,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Oops, she did it again?

Last week in OMIGOD! She did NOT say that, did she?, I told you about a racist rant posted on Facebook by a young woman claiming to be the daughter of Jean D. Berrouet and…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Happy Birthday to ME!

Today is my birthday.  YAY!  Ordinarily I wouldn’t post a blog on this day, but since I promised my readers a Daily Dargenson Report,

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Mayoral Race Update

Hey, North Miami, I haven’t forgotten about you or your election.  As you can see, I’ve been kept quite busy with our NMB insanity, but you’re never far from my mind. I just did a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work!

As I mentioned yesterday in The Barbie Doll of Miramar, North Miami Beach Faux Candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson writes a column of “her” articles for the website of Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward…

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