Posted in North Miami Beach

Speaking of the “criminal element,” over in North Miami…

As CBS Miami reported last night, the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board Declines to Certify North Miami Election.  Here is the article in its entirety:

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Sign on the dotted line

The thing about Campaign Treasurer’s Reports is that they have to be accurate.  I’m pretty sure that they also have to be signed by the candidate and the treasurer.  I’m also pretty sure that if…

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Posted in National North Miami Beach

Can you help this cat find his family?

  A North Miami Beach resident has found this beautiful Scottish Fold cat, who is obviously someone’s missing pet.  The resident wants nothing more than to find the owners of this beautiful cat, who must…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Order in the Court

The case of Spiegel vs. Dargenson marches on.  According to the Docket posted on the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Court’s website as of today, the judged ruled on the Plaintiff’s Emergency Motion for Contempt Re: Defendant…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: No news is, well, no news

When it comes to the media, I truly believe they are living in an alternate universe.  I’m hard pressed to figure out what our local news affiliates deem worthy of reporting and what they decide…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami, the Devil made you do it!

Unwilling to let her fifteen minutes of fame expire gracefully, North Miami mayoral wannabe Anna L. Pierre is blaming her devastating loss at the polls on the Prince of Darkness. No, I’m not talking about…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach: David Templer Endorsements

Friends and neighbors, the NMB Runoff Election will be this coming Tuesday, the 21st of May (for early voting see below).  I merely remind you that this date should be penciled in to your calendar. …

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Stop the presses! North Miami Election Analysis and Gadfly Endorsements!

After yesterday’s trouncing at the polls in North Miami, Anna L. Pierre can now take her sugar cookie and slither back home to MIRAMAR.  Jesus may love her, but the voters laughed her out of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

BREAKING: North Miami Election News

Unofficial final results…run-offs in all 3 seats: Burns – 33% Tondreau – 27% Keys – 49% Irvin – 26% Bien-Aime – 44% Despinosse – 27%

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Posted in North Miami Beach

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet

The fact that you’re reading this column right now is a proof positive that neither MIRAMAR RESIDENT Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson nor Hillel Hellinger care about the City of North Miami Beach.  Let me explain. Ever…

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