Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Let’s Get Real

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character…” – Noah Webster, Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Beth Spiegel wins back her seat! Tony DeFillipo is our brand new Councilman! (Both actually live in North Miami Beach!) MAZEL TOV!

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Strange Bedfellows

Attention Voters of North Miami Beach:  You have less one hour to get to the polls to vote for YOUR representatives at City Hall.  Campaigning at every precinct has been going on all day long…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Jesus Saves. And Moves!

The Jesus-endorsed North Miami city council candidate Anna L. Pierre is packing up her belongings and going back to her home in MIRAMAR.  With a whopping 56 votes to her credit, her campaign was an…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Daily Dargenson: Smackdown at the Eleventh Circuit

Yvenoline Dargenson, I told you that you were my bitch.  I told you I was your biggest nightmare.  I warned you, honey.  But you didn’t listen. I told you that when you run for public…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Bitch Got Smacked!

This just in: Miami Herald reporter Paradise Afshar Tweeted the outcome of the Spiegel vs. Dargenson case as follows:

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Tweet me, Baby, one more time! (Live Courtroom Update)

Next to Facebook, Twitter is one of my favorite forms of social media.  I can post anything to Facebook from anywhere at all, whether I’m at a computer or on a phone.  This is great…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“Vote for me. I’m Haitian!”

Facebook started out as a social networking tool for college students.  A couple years later, Facebook opened up to the general population and the entire world was introduced to each other.  One member at a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

New Additions at Les Maisons de Pierre et Ermonfils

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Sorry, Frank. Rocket Science isn’t for everyone.

The newest Fan of the Blog is none other than NORTH MIAMI lawyer Frank Wolland, who also happens to represent North Miami Beach Faux candidate Yvenoline “Yve” Dargenson in the lawsuit filed by NMB Councilwoman…

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