Posted in North Miami Beach

Faustin Denis, Jr.: Another Neverending Story

I know I promised to give you guys a break this weekend, but this being a Gator-less Saturday, I dug through some of my past columns to see if I had any unfinished business to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

Slow News Friday

  Here it is Friday afternoon and I just finished all the work at my real job for the week.  Before I hit the road for the weekend, I decided to troll the pages of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: We still don’t need no stinkin’ sunshine!

If you ever wanted to know what local governments were like before Sunshine Laws were enacted, look no further than the City of North Miami. Although Florida has been operating as an “open government” since…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami Giveth. Then Taketh Away.

I caught some flack for my bloglet yesterday about North Miami Beach not holding its own America’s Night Out Against Crime event, and for giving kudos to North Miami for sponsoring two of them.  Those…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Stupid Criminal Tricks Caught on Video (and a fence)

Put down your coffee RIGHT NOW and go watch this Channel 7 video taken just a little while ago from its news helicopter.  To say this robbery suspect

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: Where People Care?

Will you be attending the 30th Anniversary of America’s Night Out Against Crime event tonight in North Miami Beach? Oh, yeah, that’s right.  We’re not having one. If you’re interested, I guess you’ll have to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

RP does it again!

You absolutely have to go to Random Pixels A/S/A/P! and watch the exclusive NBC video of Mayors in Handcuffs. When I grow up

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Johnson vs. The Kelvinator

In case you missed it last night, the Dolphins left the whoopass can in Miami when they set out for Dallas.  My hopes for a winning season were both raised and dashed from the first…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Mayor George Vallejo’s letter to the Miami Herald

Posted on Sat, Aug. 03, 2013 Can services be maintained without raising taxes? Like 28 other municipalities, the city of North Miami Beach relies on Miami-Dade County to provide fire-rescue services. And, like many other…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Amateur Hour at the Courthouse

As it turns out, something interesting did happen during yesterday’s hearing in the matter of Burns v. Tondreau after all. Actually, make that two things.  The first was quite surprising, and the second not so…

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