Posted in North Miami Beach

It takes more than fences

Once again I must state my case that what happens in North Miami doesn’t stay in North Miami.  Even though some of my readers in North Miami Beach bypass North Miami stories, anything concerning our…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Tricks & Treats

Yes, it’s been a slow news week North Miami Beach residents can take comfort in the fact that our Police Department has a brand spanking new (renovated) Divisional Emergency Operations Center, which was unveiled Tuesday…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Yep! We really are chopped liver!

By now, if you don’t already know that North Miami Beach is the invisible step-child of northeast Miami-Dade County, you’ve been living under a rock.  The real estate motto of “location, location, location” does not…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County National North Miami Beach

Random Thoughts, Part II: PENSIONS, PENSIONS, PENSIONS! (Stephanie, STFU already!)

Closer to home in local politics, the topic du jour – the desperate rush to reform pension – has received much scrutiny and criticism.  While it’s easy to point fingers at conservatives (the term “tea…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County National

Random thoughts on a Gator-less Saturday, Part I: Games Politicians Play

I’ve had way too much time on my hands today, which is never a good thing.  As a result, you’re going to get a mixed bag of random thoughts in two blogs about two separate…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Stephanie’s Pet Peeve of the Day

Even though this story from NBC Miami is about North Miami Beach, that’s not what got my attention.  I yawned when I started reading the article, Cops Stop Drivers at North Miami Beach Car Insurance…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NORTH MIAMI BREAKING NEWS: Appellate Court in Ten Tweets

The future of North Miami Mayor Lucie Tondreau’s seat will be decided by a 33 minute appellate court hearing held this morning.  The case of Burns v. Tondreau, et al, was heard this morning by…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: Miami Homicide Subject Arrested by our Street Crimes Unit

Great job today by our North Miami Beach Police Department! “Miami Homicide Subject Arrested by our Street Crimes Unit The below 24 year old black male was wanted in connection with a homicide he committed…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Hey, Gerald. Study This!

In a comment on my recent column, Misplaced Priorities: Throwing teachers and cops under the bus, reader-slash-lawyer-slash-rocket scientist Gerald claimed, “Most employee efficiency tops out after 10 years and the additional experience gained is negligible….

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

Largest bust for tax fraud and identity theft by local Strike Force

A partnership created in 2012 called the South Florida Identity Theft Tax Fraud Strike Force, including the Police Departments of North Miami Beach, North Miami, Aventura and Miami-Dade County, as well as other federal, state…

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