Posted in North Miami Beach

Welcome to Crazy Town, NMB

I hope you’re comfortable and have plenty of time to sit for a while because this blog is a long one.  I apologize in advance, but last night’s North Miami Beach City Council meeting was…

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Posted in North Miami Beach



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Posted in North Miami Beach

Still “NO!”

As you know, the North Miami Beach strip club “Black Diamonds” will be coming before the City Council this evening to request extended business hours from 4:00 to 6:00 am.  Again.  They are nothing if…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Channel 7’s Breaking News

Because murder is so five minutes ago… Only on Seven

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Posted in North Miami Beach

And then there’s Myron

No mention of criminal courtroom antics would be complete without dishing the latest about the FELONY trial of the EX-mayor of North Miami Beach, Myron Rosner.  As I reported in More Fun with Myron! on…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County

Whatever happened to…

…Faustin Denis, Jr., formerly awaiting trial on charges including three counts of felony Racketeering and Organized Fraud?  It turns out he copped a plea just in time to avoid a trial scheduled for today, according…

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Posted in National

The Great Disconnect

On the surface, it would appear that Ethan Couch and Anthawn Ragan, Jr. have absolutely nothing in common.  Couch is the Texas 16-year old who was charged with and acquitted of the deaths of four…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Not just no. HELL NO!

Some folks have a really hard time when they’re told they can’t get what they want.  Reactions to the word “no” can range anywhere from an out and out temper tantrum to passive aggressive retaliation…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“V for Victory”

North Miami Beach Police Officer Ericson Harrell was cleared of all charges stemming from his arrest on November 22, 2013 in Plantation, Florida.  According to a Sun-Sentinel article posted a few hours ago, Officer Harrell…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

This Saturday in North Miami Beach

Ribbon Cutting for Median Restoration Project North Miami Beach Plans Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Phase 1 of the State Road 826 Median Restoration Project The City of North Miami Beach will be having a Ribbon…

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