Posted in North Miami Beach


UPDATE: At 1:03 pm, I received a press release from the NMBPD.  Click here. ———————————————————————————————- In less than an hour after I posted the column claiming that North Miami Beach is in dire need of…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


I know that North Miami Beach has budget problems.  Everyone knows this.  The general employees know it.  The police employees know it.  The feral cats that hang around the back of the Public Works Department…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Murder update. (NMBPD: Is anyone home?)

Contrary to the popular belief that these are “slow news times,” by now you probably know that North Miami Beach had its first murder of the year early this morning.  You also know that you…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Breaking: Murder in North Miami Beach

Sources inside the NMB Police Department just advised me that there was a street brawl which resulted in a murder at approximately 4:00 this morning at Northeast 158 Street and 15 Avenue. Witnesses told police…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Team Irony at your Service

I saw this cartoon on Facebook and LMAO!  Don’t worry.  This column is not going to be about man-made “global warming” or “climate change” or whatever phrase du jour the weather alarmists are using now,…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Blah, blah, blah. January sucks.

Especially considering that the Gators weren’t even invited to a single Bowl game, however obscure.  I mean, seriously.  Not even The Famous Idaho Potato Bowl?  How pathetic is that? Even more pathetic, I wrote a…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Speaking of swinging for the fences…

Just in case you think baseball is boring:

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

2014: Bring it on!

In an unpublished Thanksgiving blog about being grateful, one of the things on my gratitude list was unwaxed dental floss.  That should give you a clue about my mood at the time.  And why the…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

“Blog Battles,” starring Glenna Milberg

nce upon a time I minded my own business. Stop laughing!  I’m dead serious! It’s not as if I woke up one morning and said to myself, “Gee, when I grow up I want to…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB/NM Year in Review: A Few Parting Thoughts.

Despite my high hopes in August, the Gators limped their way through a Bowl-less season.  The Dolphins aren’t faring much better, but tomorrow’s make or break game (with some help from a losing Baltimore or…

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