Posted in North Miami Beach

Channel 10: North Miami Beach police gives away ‘water’ to keep criminals at bay

North Miami Beach police gives away ‘water’ to keep criminals at bay Law enforcement agencies in South Florida support the use of ‘SmartWater’ Author: Andrea Torres, Assignment Editor, Published On: Feb 13 2014 12:07:05 PM…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Ho hum, another shooting in the ‘hood.

This is starting to get really old.  While I was attending a “crime watch,” a/k/a PACT (Police And Community Together), meeting on my street, bullets were flying not too far away. There was apparently yet…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Meanwhile, back in North Miami Beach

A flashing sign appeared overnight on my street at the corner of Northeast 178th Street and 17th Avenue,

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Posted in National

My SMH Moment of the Day: What am I missing?

I pride myself on the fact that I’m fairly shock-proof.  I’ve seen enough people do the craziest things, and behave in the most bizarre manner, that at this point almost nothing surprises me. And, yet……

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Project Saving Lives

After the street shooting and bomb explosion last week, North Miami Beach resident (and “Crime Reporter”) Karin Kimball decided that she’s sick and tired of the violence in our city. First she started a…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The G Spot

No, I wasn’t referring to sex, but now that I got your attention (and hopefully some extra hits on the website by people looking for AMPs), the “G” Word I’m referring to is Gentrification.  According…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


I should have known that this crazy week was not gonna end quietly.  It started out with a bang and ended with a boom. Literally! First, there was a shooting in North Miami Beach.  Then

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Posted in North Miami Beach

It’s Official

The week long drama in North Miami came to a screeching halt this afternoon when the City issued an updated Press Release announcing that Police Chief Marc Elias has officially tendered his resignation. Unlike Tuesday’s prematurely…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Oops! Too many chiefs and not enough … well, you know.

North Miami is in a bit of a pickle.  On Tuesday, February 4, 2014, its Office of Communications issued a Press Release announcing the “amicable” resignation of Police Chief Marc Elias. There’s only one problem.  As…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

2014 Florida Tour de Force

This year the 17th annual Florida Tour De Force ride is scheduled to begin April 7, 2014 and run through April 11, 2014.  As it does every year, the race begins at the Denny’s Restaurant…

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