Posted in North Miami Beach

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

An Emergency Special Meeting has been called for the North Miami Beach City Council tomorrow afternoon, Friday, February 21, 2014 at 3:00 PM. I was advised by the City Clerk that “per charter the meeting…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: Third Arrest in Kidnapping/Sexual Battery Case

Press Release  

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Posted in North Miami Beach

“That Ship has Sailed”

First there was the whole “Street Furniture” debacle during the 2011 North Miami Beach mayoral race when I tore City Attorney Darcee Siegel a new one … make that several of them … for her…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

WTF? Darcee FIRED?

While ten out of 42,000 North Miami Beach residents showed up for a demonstration demanding better public safety, four out of seven Council Members decided that the City Attorney must go. I see we all…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: Project Savings Lives Demonstration today at 5:30 PM

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Posted in Uncategorized

Pet Peeve of the Day: You Didn’t Earn That!

Sometimes I really do feel like I’m living in an alternate universe these days.  When I was a kid, competition – and winning – was a good thing.  The kids who put forth the effort…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

NMB: 2014 Tour da ‘Hood

A friend of mine sent me a Miami Herald article dated February 13, 2014 and entitled, Nova Southeastern breaks ground on $80 million research center, which reported: “On what is now a parking lot at…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Yes, Alanis. It is ironic.

On the very day I created the Irony Specialist Team because it was a slow news day, North Miami Beach had its first murder of the year. Needless to say, Team Irony is back

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: Missing Woman

Two local television stations (CBS Miami and NBC Miami) are reporting that a woman has been missing

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

Q: How many Opa-locka city managers does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: One.  But don’t expect any results. That about sums up former-former-FIRED North Miami Beach/CURRENT Opa-locka city manager, Kelvin Baker’s resume.  Fortunately, our City Council got rid of him years ago.  Unfortunately, Opa-locka’s Commissioners got…

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