Posted in North Miami Beach


As everyone and their dog knows by now, North Miami Beach City Attorney Darcee Siegel was fired at the last City Council meeting on February 18, 2014.  Councilwoman Marlen Martell made the shocking motion from…

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Posted in North Miami Beach


Here’s a SHOCKER! The two Resolutions on the table that I blogged about this morning in A Motto to Live By just FAILED by a 3-2 vote! Mayor Lucie Tondreau and Councilwoman Marie Steril cast…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

A Hollywood Screenplay

Here’s the pitch: Three dudes are sitting around, watching the game, having a brew.  Some chick knocks on the door, walks in and accuses one of the friends, Mathieu, of stealing her cash outta her…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach


A couple days ago I received a call from a North Miami Beach resident I hadn’t heard from in a long time.  This resident used to be extremely active in the community, but dropped off…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

A Motto to Live By

A very influential and highly respected resident in North Miami Beach always signs off his email correspondences with these words: “There is no right way to do a wrong thing” I can’t think of any…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

North Miami: Paris, On T’Aime

The City of North Miami and De Temps en Temps Presents:

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Posted in North Miami Beach Uncategorized

Volunteers Needed to help with “Special Olympics” 2014

Fulford United Methodist Church is asking for volunteers this Saturday, March 1, 2014 to help make sandwiches for the Special Olympics.  The address of the church is 1900 NE 164 Street, North Miami Beach, Florida

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Posted in North Miami Beach

My Favorite Political Quotes

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Meeting (Updated 02-24-14)

I sat through yesterday’s North Miami Beach Emergency Council Meeting with an odd combination of amusement and disgust, unable to shake the deepening sense of unease I’ve been feeling since Tuesday night’s unceremonious firing of…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

The Moral of the Story

There are so many morals to the latest story out of Miami Gardens that I don’t even know where to begin.  But, here goes anyway. The headline, Exclusive: Video shows shooting of Miami Gardens police…

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