Posted in Miami-Dade County National North Miami Beach

It’s official. I’m weird.

Immediately after I launched the FIRE SARAH ZABEL! campaign, I started to write the first of what I had hoped would be many anti-Sarah blogs intended to help her opponent oust her from the bench. …

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Posted in National

Yes, it DOES make a difference!

I already know right now that most of my readers won’t be even remotely interested in this subject, but it’s my blog and I’ll rant if I want to.  My stomach is turning over two…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach

Weekend Update

Yeah, I know.  I haven’t written any blogs in a few days.  Al Crespo of the Crespogram Report also noticed because he sent me an email asking if I was okay. For one thing, it’s…

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach


Captain Justice, a criminal defense attorney-slash-blogger, posted a comment on the Justice Building Blog yesterday about the wife of North Miami Beach EX-Mayor/current FELONY defendant Myron Rosner, CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE SARAH ZABEL. The Cap

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Posted in North Miami Beach

City of North Miami Police Memorial Ceremony April 29, 2014

I had the honor of attending this morning’s Police Memorial Ceremony at the North Miami Police Headquarters.  Here are some of the highlights.

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Posted in North Miami Beach

That’s MISTER Random Pixels to you!

CBS Miami’s MaryAnn Martinez reported a story in an article, Children Shocked While In Hialeah Pool, posted late last night.  At minute 00:54 of the video she announced, “All three children were electrocuted.” Fortunately, despite…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

The Revenge of the Grammar Nerds

I spent the better part of yesterday writing, rewriting, agonizing over, editing and rewriting again, a long dissertation about the recent North Miami Beach Sanitation Workshop regarding the outsourcing of the sanitation department. Then I…

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Posted in North Miami Beach

Yes, Vanessa, there is no un-tweet button (Updated)

NBC Miami reporter assignment editor Vanessa Morales is proof positive that #journalismisdead.  After a fatal crash on the MacArthur Causeway yesterday morning, she tweeted: Random Pixels just HAD to respond

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Posted in Miami Beach

And one more thing…

This is why Random Pixels TOTALLY ROCKS! Yesterday afternoon he

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Posted in Miami-Dade County North Miami Beach Sweetwater

We are SO not Sweetwater!

Nearly three years ago on May 28, 2011, Random Pixels published a column entitled, Sweetwater…still dirty after all these years.  He followed that up on December 8, 2011 with Sweetwater…still dirty after all these years…

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